
overall_rating 4.516249707739069 94

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That was great fun. Got lost a few times. Some fights were hard but great fun on Skill 2. Thank you.

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One of those perennial classic levels that doesn’t get old. Layout and architecture are brilliant and complement the gameplay. I can see how the layout could be confusing but for those who can build a mental map of the space it’s a real treat. The gameplay isn’t perfect–vores are almost always placed in such a way that they place no threat–but it’s really solid overall, with a few standout gauntlets. Vondur’s best in that respect by some margin. And then of course there’s the really cool secret area.

Easy 5/5 from me.

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Not enough ammo. For example, there are no pickups available during the last fight.

The first time I played this years ago, I thought it was well-built and ambitious in scope but not especially fun: lots of tough combat, bordering on unfair, and samey textures. Replaying it now, I appreciate it much more. In layout and aesthetics, this is like a mix of e2m3 and e3m5: definitely a unique combination. 5/5, recommended.