
overall_rating 3.473684210526316 19

Forum thread for discord

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Simple and linear map but funny, worth at least trying it. It is quite short, you can finish in 15 minutes.
As a 1997 map, I find it quite good.

Looks quite classic, even when there are some decorations that reminds me to Quake 2 decorations.

Even when there are enough health medkits, ammo is not that abundant, so you can run into problems if you keep wasting ammo of missing shots.

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Very stylish, but short.

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Pretty simple but not totally linear–there are some side rooms, and the path to get at least one of the weapons is off the path to the key. The beginning reminds me a bit of The Ogre Citadel. Overall I’d rank this around some id maps.

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Rather contradictory map as for style but good as for gameplay and exploring - 4 hearts to make it 3.5 out 5.

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Very similar comments to the same author’s earlier Outpost: this is nicely put together, but too simple and insubstantial to really leave a mark. Whereas that was a low 2.5 which I harshly rounded down to 2, I’d call this a high 2.5 which I’m generously rounding up to 3 :slight_smile:

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Unregistered user “pmk” posted:

Short but well designed metal castle map that is similar in scope to the level designer’s previous released map for quake “the outpost”.
This level is more open and non linear in level design and establishes the great dreary atmosphere that quake is known for.
However i feel that Creed should have populated this map with more enemies and overall made the level a lot larger as the experience the level provides ends rather quickly. Overall i would give this map a three out of five rating and would recommend downloading this classic quake map if you enjoy metal themed quake maps.

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