
overall_rating 3.611111111111111 18

Forum thread for rc1

Unregistered user “Fr3n” posted:

hkBattousai: really confused by your comment. You can reach the yellow armor very easily by jumping onto the boxes on the cargo lift and then jumping across to where it is hidden. The silver key “door” is actually the control panel just before the trap shooters - weird and unmarked but not impossible to figure out.

I love these maps.
They are difficult, and VERY creative!!

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I like this map. The highlight, for me, was the geometry—especially the hexagonal hallways and the entire underground section, both of which were creative and visually quite arresting. Gameplay was challenging and generally good. The secrets were also quite well-executed.

Two things I didn’t like:

  1. I have a PhD IRL and this map made me feel stupid. switches were hard to spot. In the underground section, I was confused what I was supposed to do to get the gold key. I never could find the control panel Fr3n mentioned, and ended up having no noclip through the door.

  2. The lighting was a bit too high-key for my taste. The contrast between light and shade was so stark that a bit of the atmosphere got lost and a few details that are important for gameplay were hard to see.

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I have similar feelings about this map as the others above. The good: those sexy hexagon hallways and the build in general. The bad: that horribly esoteric silver-key-panel. I would’ve given up if not for Fr3n’s tip above. Also, the buttons in general are a bit camouflaged. Finally, a couple of spawn points seem to be stuck partially in the geometry, like the start point for the player (I had to noclip just to move) and the 2nd shambler in the ceiling during the gold key battle. This might’ve been a non-issue prior, when playing in software mode, but this occurred when I tried it with several different source ports.

In general, it’s got a lot of good points, albeit plagued with some wayfinding issues and a few hiccups.

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