Forum thread for outpost2
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No serious flaws, but it’s under-detailed and progression is completely linear. The lava room also doesn’t mesh well with the rest of the map IMO.
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Not sure why I disliked this before; it’s a good map. Replaying it, I wouldn’t call it under-detailed. The textures are actually decent and help create a nice medieval setting.
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Definitely an above average map for 1997! Good build quality and the difficulty increases during progression well. Having the grenade launcher as a secret was a tad mean when you’re in a zombie lair; however, after you figure things out, it’s smooth sailing
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Unregistered user “stratocaster” posted:
This worked in medal of honor allied assault!
Unregistered user “Kool” posted:
LOL, yeah, he made some maps in mohaa while working for 2015 inc., cool to see how he got started.
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