Forum thread for evilwrld
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Not as well-made as arcane but still very good
Spirit: Which is easily avoided
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i must’ve missed the lava trap. or caught it before i turned into a hot slag.
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This author really liked lava traps…
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Matt Sefton’s earliest map, which I came to having played his lostwrld, the earliest map in the archive to score more than 4.0. This one has some nice touches, too, but lacks the other’s sense of progression. Still fun.
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I didn’t enjoy this too much. The architecture is really cool for 1996, but the gameplay is not. There is a part where I do not think avoiding damage is possible. Also, while there is a way out of the first lava trap, I did not see a way out of the second. There’s also an elevator that brings you up to a place where enemies are instantly jammed in your face, as well as a part where you pretty much just can’t avoid a shambler’s attacks. Not really worth playing IMO.
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A short map with good brush work, nice flow, a few devious lava traps and a handful of middling monster encounters, including requisite “boss” shambler. Decent, but nothing terribly memorable.
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Unregistered user “NoNameUser” posted:
I’m assuming the heinous lava trap is the one in the room with the quad, right? You can easily fall the first time but it’s even easier to avoid afterwards, it’s hardly a big deal. I have no idea where’s the second “unavoidable” trap mentioned by JellyGal, but the part “where enemies are instantly jammed in your face”, it’s just an ogre and a few knights that can be quickly dispatched with the super nailgun, which you can get near the start in a secret area that is impossible to miss unless you’re completely blind.
Seriously, this is just nitpicking on a good, if a tad short map. I’m surprised it’s from 1996.
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Aesthetics: Excellent brushwork, texturing and interesting design. Not much to complain here.
Combat: Nothing particularly memorable. Monster placement was hit and miss: On one hand grunts were given some cool sniper windows to shoot at the player but on the other hand zombies were placed in wide open areas for easy pickings and an ogre on a place where they could hardly hit the player.
Gameplay in general: Kind of inconsistent. The overall pacing is pretty good in my opinion, but there’s a painfully easy secret with powerful equipment, which makes the map too easy. On the other hand, there was a secret which I found only by sheer luck, and didn’t seem to have many clues going for it.
Overall, it was an enjoyable map that was fun to play. Very good for 1996.