
overall_rating 3.111111111111111 18

Forum thread for dw_bizbazfinal

Not bad. Some good enemy placement and a challenging final fight makes this one a worthy download. However it was much too dark in a lot of areas.

Not bad. Some good enemy placement and a challenging final fight makes this one a worthy download. However it was much too dark in a lot of areas.

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Thanks for the feedback, Jag! I’m working on improving my lighting for the next map. :slight_smile:

A great debut map. It’s crude in some ways but also very creative, and I enjoyed the unique setting. The biggest drawback, IMO, is that it’s very easy for the player to provoke infighting in the final fight, so it ends up being a cakewalk for experienced players.

I really like the architecture and all the work done in the outdoor areas, but the indoor rooms are a little too empty for my taste. As JagTaggart said, the map is too dark in some places… but the gameplay was solid and the combat was a lot of fun, especially the last fight =D

I made a playthrough on hard, killed all the enemies, but didn’t find all the secrets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DZ28IHfX-E

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I found this one only OK, and was a bit surprised to find in the documentation that it was inspired by Giftmacher and Sock’s current greatest-ever map ad_sepulcher. It feels very much like a 1990s map, in the flatness of the architecture and the cramped quality of many areas.

But with all that said, it’s a first map from Doug Wheeler – and I always like first maps, not least because of they promise they hold for second maps. When I think of the huge leap between Redfield’s Unknown Kadath and his superb followup Paradise Sickness, it makes me excited to think of what Doug might do next.

I should probably clarify that ad_sepulcher was the inspiration for me to map in Quake, not the inspiration for the map itself.

Regardless, the feedback has been very helpful. Thanks everyone!

Well, I admire that you were able to find Forgotten Sepulcher an inspiration rather than an intimidation! There have been times when I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to learn Quake mapping; but when I see something as astonishing as FS, it just makes me throw up my hands in despair!

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Isn’t that bad. Though to me it feels really cramped. The last room got some awesome action, don’t want to spoil to much if you’re unsure if you should download it. Definitly check it out!

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I liked the feel of a city populated by monsters. The indoors areas needed a little more of props, felt very empty.

At the end, there was a statue ogre that made me laugh, don’t know if inteded of a incompatibility with my system.

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