
overall_rating 3.653409090909091 24

Forum thread for dkt1000

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Unregistered user “JoeSchmoe” posted:

The textures are pretty dated and unattractive, being low-res. The maps are mostly castle themed, so not much variety here. Just not that interesting in 2016.

Oddly had flashbacks playing a couple of these maps in coop, so they must have been on RQuake Coop or something.

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A real mixed bag of great, okay, and bad maps. “Frostbite” (seen in the screenshot) is the definite highlight, and makes the pack worth getting. It’s a great castle in the mountain peaks, properly vertical and with good texturing and terrain. On the other end, the worst map is “Bleak Bastille”. It’s claustrophobic and reuses space constantly and in the most lazy way, and on top of that doesn’t have enough ammo (hope you enjoy axing knights & death knights). “Save CZG” is a pretty cool snowy medieval city map. The other two are pretty short and don’t even have a winter aesthetic, which is pretty disappointing.

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Quite average… imho the best is Bleak Bastille and the worst Save CZG (tried to reach last two rooms for 15 minutes with no sucess) and Bloodgates (not sure where last approx 12 monsters went - couldn’t find them even with noclip :D)

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Unregistered user “Greenwood” posted:

Download this for Hrimfaxi’s Frostbite. The rest are simply okay or have issues. I wished that Jago’s wasn’t so short. It was constructed nicely but ended right when it started to get good. Frostbite is fun though!

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