
overall_rating 3.533333333333333 15

Forum thread for asl_3

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Its a massive level, graphics 1st class.Now for me skill 3, to say its complicated is a understatement, go round and round, back tracking, not knowing where to go next, where im just constantly swearing at the monitor lol lol, i gave up in the end, give it a day or 2, i give it another go.But map enemy placements, is hard as f–k, but it is a must play.5 star, on a map i couldnt complete, because getting constantly lost, with no clues where to go next lol lol duh me.

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This is not a map…this is sheer madness!

Gigantic, very eye-pleasing, lots of interesting ideas - this is wonderful, and absolutely entertaining!

You can just do this as an ‘ordinary’ map (follow the arrows, or you’ll get lost) but for explorer types, this map is an Aladdin’s cave of secrets!

The reward for finding all the secrets (the secrets themselves are not hard to find, but the switches…) is a bit on the lousy side, but you can spend hours finding them all!

Asl, well done! And thanks for sharing!

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This Map is huge and got it’s own Design and Style which I enjoyed to play it a lot! For the most part the Rooms are pretty much self explanatory, but on half way I lost a bit of Orientation anyway. The Vores where my most feared Opponents and it took me a lot tries to get trough the “Elevator” Room. I like there’s plenty of ammo, but also you need like any Bullet if you don’t trap some Monsters into infighting in some cases, else you may run out of ammo.
I played on Skill 2 and it took me 2,5 hours to get to the Exit Room. I just managed to find 5/25 Secrets. Where did you hide all the Secrets, I have no clue?
This Map is a definite 5/5 by me!

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Agree with previous commenters. Hard to play, not a lot of ammo, secrets are very hard to find. Elevator room is almost impossible (still haven’t got through since I’ve run out of ammo – again!). Challenging and fun but you will be cursing at your monitor. Thank you for the fun!

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This is a massive and impressive show of mapping skills and architectural ideas which unfortunately fell short of playability, progression and combat balance. For all its amazing open spaces and clever narrow hallways it was mostly that; open spaces and narrow hallways. The secrets were very hard to spot and the progression was not clear at all, I was able to pretty much follow the entire linear flow without the gold key and then I was stuck at the gold key door. Finally there were time where the combat was just too easy with a lot of missed opportunities for enemy placement.
Nevertheless I congratulate the author and will encourage him to come up with more of this, but perhaps have a chat with other more seasoned mappers to fine tune level progression, combat design and some other key aspects to make the map more immersive and less repetitive.

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