
overall_rating 3.111111111111111 18

Forum thread for intrusion_2021

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Nice looking level with a variety of styles. Solid build throughout, and the quality was even.

This level was a little on the easy side for me, though ammo was tight and you do need to find a secret or two to ensure you don’t run out. There was also a jump puzzle in a pit like area with the nailgun that I couldn’t quite get right, and in the end where you fall into the lava put, I think I broke the gameplay sequence.

I’d look forward to any future levels this author makes.

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This is a large mixtex map with some interesting old school vibes. Like Borax Man stated above, the ending seemed broken to me, but I was able to rocket jump out and finish.

Video playthrough of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH2DHDPWZBo&t=134s

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I liked this. Some interesting design, it’s old-skool but not overly so, there’s plenty of direction and I never felt lost. Got through it in NM with 1 reload (didn’t rocket-jump fast enough in the last room the first time).

Speaking of the final battle, the problem for me was just that I managed to get across the lava pit and ended up standing at the end wondering what I was supposed to do, until I realised you’d expected me to fall into the lava.

I wonder if anyone gets through the Jump! Jump! Jump! section the first time. There’s very little time before the Shamblers blast you to bits (at least on NM).

You have a few buttons at the start with sound keys but no sounds defined, so there are console warnings in developer mode.

Ultimately, it’s a fun map with some interesting gameplay and it’s not a sprawling mess.

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Agree with everything other commenters have written. This is straightforwardly enjoyable. The “jump jump jump” part didn’t work for me and I had to rocket-jump out of the pit, but otherwise progression was fun and interesting.

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