
overall_rating 2.689655172413793 29

Forum thread for dark_oddyssey_qmap

Small and easy, can be finished very quickly without trouble.

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I believe this is a first map?
If so, we may have another promising mapper!
Yes, the map is simple, short and lack details, but the progress is quite well planned - it isn’t just blindly build, as often seen with ‘learning’ maps. I’m looking forward to more! :slight_smile:

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Nice, simple map. I like the backtracking and reuse of areas. I did not find the secret… it could use a visual clue!

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For anyone wondering where the secret is (encrypted with rot13.com):

Arne gur ortvaavat bs gur znc, gurer’f n ebbz frnyrq ol n ebj bs zrgny onef. Bapr lbh trg gur fvyire xrl naq ybjre gur onef, jnyx vagb gung ebbz naq ghea yrsg. Gura fubbg gur jnyy bccbfvgr lbh.


I don’t think there’s any way to find it except by accident.

I did find the secret, only by shooting a wall while killing a enemy, total luck i found it, there are no clues to where secret is, you just have to be lucky,while spraying bullets around lol.

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