
overall_rating 4.206896551724138 29

Forum thread for arcextra

Unregistered user “Denizen” posted:


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really enjoyed this pak!

Not enough drake maps out there!

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A mixed bag here. I found Heretic Cathedral (arcextra1) rather arbitrary and predictable, presumably because it’s not an original creation. Perhaps the same reason lies behind its awkwardly garish aesthetics. It was enjoyable enough to blast through, but rarely very interesting.

But Gateway to Earth (arcextra2) is much better: a gloomy, creative, and (on Hard) very difficult partly-vertical progression through sewers and industrial areas. Monster placement makes this tricky – you spend a lot of time being sniped at, and have to decide whether to burn ammo on taking out the partially concealed snipers or just run through the area, suck up the damage, and hope to encounter the snipers up close and personal later on. It’s a war of attrition, but somehow a lot of fun.

Although GTE has fewer monsters than HC, it’s a much bigger level, with far more progression and exploration. HC’s numbers are rather inflated by lots of low-powered hordes, whereas each of the GTE monsters reall counts.

I’d score HC as a low 3, GTE as a high 4, and the pack as a whole just creeps into five-star territory.

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Unregistered user “Repus” posted:

Jesus, why do so many mappers think that they SHOULD edit/modify the original Quake weapons. The shotgun is my favourite weapon in Quake and in the creation it has been raped by the author. First of all, the new sound is lame (as the sound of the rifle), but most of all the modified shotgun is SLOWER.

Besides that in the first level the new monsters just sort of mostly “party” at the same spot at the level, i. e. they make (again new) noises, they shoot, but they don’t move around. This looked so predictable and boring. So, I played maybe half of the first level, and that was enough for. I could say that a lot of effort was put into creating this, but why is it ALWAYS that modified (new) weapons suck? Haven’t seen any weapons in partial/total conversions that were at least as good as the original weapons.

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Both of them were perfect.

Just some notes on the map number 2: you can skip some parts. The sewer part, you can drop to the sewer in the right pillar for opening the central door.

The last two pillar, you can skip that part by jumping on the back of the gate.

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