Forum thread for tfl
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Wow, this is a perfect example of “Quake the way id did”. I love it! Now on the rest of the tfl maps.
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Yes, it’s not outstanding in any way, but just very. very nice. 4/5.
I thought this map was great, it’s just my speed! You can watch me play it here: The Forgotten Level on The Quake Grave
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Odd that when I replayed this, I remembered almost none of it.
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Very nice. The only (minor) criticisms I can make are that there’s no armor–at least in nightmare–and the final secret is essentially useless. Apart from that it’s a well-crafted map with monsters, health, etc. spread out in such a way that the gameplay is consistently entertaining. The combat toward the end is very tough, but there’s a well-placed secret that can mitigate it.
It is a solid map here, entertaining and with some extras like those windows. While the text file says that this is hard and to be careful it doesn’t feel that way, maybe even the opposite, except for the last fight.
On the less possitive side, while not being bad at all the enemy placement felt nothing special and there were several times where the enemy is placed below the player where it can be sniped at leisure or when the ogre’s grenades can’t reach the player.
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Unregistered user “Repus” posted:
That was tremendously fun to play!
Since I enjoy monsters infighting I made the most of it. Ogres with grenades, fiends with huge claws, knights with their sparks - they all happily fought each other. At the very end shamblers just fought everybody else, I and kinda ran past all those enemies. Is there a secret below the platform with two ogres (and a button)? If there is, it’s pretty useless, 'cause it is located near the very last room.
I agree that some armour would spice this level up. I found one secret (the ring of shadows), and it’s pretty useless, I think.
Other than that, this is one of the levels you should definitely check out!!!
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