Texture packs do not contains duplicated textures and if You see some “SD holes” between HD textures it means You skip something.
To solve just download:
All QRP Texturepacks for Quake and both MP1 and MP2 (qrp.quakeone.com)
All Texturepacks, created by Talisa, and others, placed into nextgenquake.com (direct link bottom in thread)
UPD: mirror for dead nextgenquake.com here:
All Texturepacks, created by me, placed in this thread.
All texturepacks should store in your /id1/ folder, if other not specified in readme.
For april 2019 all HD textures, packed in .pk3 has amount about 10 Gb (ten), that waste not so many place on modern hdd/ssd drives. Unpacked for Quakespasm about 17 gb.
Texturepack for specific map usually covers all 100% textures, or all visible textures and if You have all above mentioned, You should not see any “holes”.
Please notice!
Several of the Texture Packs contains or consist entirely of ugly textures, created by me and which are not similar to original. If you don’t like them, please don’t use them.
QRP links down.
Thanks Talisa for mirror:
ad_sepulcher (The Forgotten Sepulcher by Henrik Oresten/Simon OCallaghan)
(Part of AD mod)
For a long time I avoided this maps by reason of dark and ugly start map.
Finally, I didi it.
Travail mission hd texture pak done. Soon I`ll share a file.
Here is Travail by distrans, Scragbait, negke, Preach, aguirRe, Asaki
HD texturepak.(v.1.0)
This pak also covers blue oum4 map (rest HD tex for amazing OUM maps some upper, aka ikBase textures
It covers machinery in map warpb of incredible Warp spasm to.