
overall_rating 1.75 20

Forum thread for bubbah

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I can’t say this is a good map. But it’s just funny, especially for a level made in 3D-Studio. At least, it’s playable and winnable.

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This is weird, pointless and confusing. The level design sucks, I’m pretty sure you have to jump through that lava at the start (yeah, that lava in the screenshot) and it’s really really short. Not recommended.

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This is one of the worst maps I’ve ever played. For any game.

It’s tiny, it’s pointless, it’s tedious and boring and it forces you to run through that lava in the screenshot. Absolutely terrible, nobody should ever play this. I have no idea why it’s rated “poor” instead of “crap”. 1/5

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Ugly design and a few cheap tactics like the aforementioned lava damage, but otherwise a few semi interesting tricks. Still not really worth playing, but I guess I won’t miss those 3 minutes of my life too much.

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It feels like the level’s trolling you with its unorthodox tricks it throws at you. xD I’ll rate the map 2/5, because it’s different and imaginative.

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Unregistered user “etb” posted:

I agree with Esrael, surely the brushwork is nothing special and the lighting a bit plain-looking. BUT the level is still cool for its unexpected twists, it is uncommon to be surprised after two decades… by a map of 1996!

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Unregistered user “pmk” posted:

Don’t bother with this quake map as it is not worth your time. Very little ammo and unfair battle situations with nonsensical enemy placement. This quake map gets a one out of five rating from me.