
overall_rating 3.76 25

Forum thread for hulk256

Unregistered user “hkBattousai” posted:

Excellent map.

How can this be done? there isn’t enough ammo

I’d like to see a video walkthtough!

This map requires Quoth, which allows the ammo in this map to respawn.

Wow thanks! :slight_smile: that sure made the difference.
I managed skill 2 now!
Vanilla quake sure made this map horribly difficult.


Always read the readme files. :wink:

On this site there is also the “Dependencies” field on the left. And the Quake Injector handles those automatically for you.

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If your idea of fun is slogging through a bewildering sequence of identical rooms being repeatedly assaulted by the same kind of monster over and over and over again, then you are going to love Data Download.

If you’re like me, though, you’ll hate it. I only bothered to finish it out of sheer bloody-mindedness.

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Huh! I love this map, it has a super hostile atmosphere and lots of action.

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