Hi there!
What are the differences between the original and the 2022 version? At the bottom it says there where some redecorations and wall shifting, but is it an updated version or a different interpretation?
Hi there!
What are the differences between the original and the 2022 version? At the bottom it says there where some redecorations and wall shifting, but is it an updated version or a different interpretation?
I haven’t really played the 2022 version, just poked around a little bit. It’s mostly the same as original, just perhaps slightly tweaked and polished here and there, sort of like original Dimension of the Past from 2016 was updated for 2021 re-release.
The 2022 Honey has a new ending though.
OK, ty
Differences seem to be listed at Honey’s Slipseer page: https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?resources/honey.88/
Uh, thank you, i will have a read.
In the updated version of the 2022 modification, there are no text messages on the screen. There is only a beeping sound twice. The version of the engine used is QSS 0.94.0.
In the old version of the modification all text messages are displayed. But in it the old file “progs.dat” is different from the new one. (((
Tell me who has the same problem and how it was fixed?
[quote=Andrew]In the updated version of the 2022 modification, there are no text messages on the screen. There is only a beeping sound twice. The version of the engine used is QSS 0.94.0.
In the old version of the modification all text messages are displayed. But in it the old file “progs.dat” is different from the new one. (((
Tell me who has the same problem and how it was fixed?[/quote]
I suggest using Quakespasm 0.94.7 and for re-release stuff it needs QuakeEX.kpf file (this one has all the localized text strings) preferably from the last update of Quake Enhanced.
And how to use this file correctly? I don’t have any progress yet. Where to place it? Do I need to extract the “localization” folder from this archive and put it in the “honey-2022” folder, or do I need any other files? Are there any instructions?
I will be very glad of your help.
I have “quake enhanced update 2” and in the “localization” folder in the file "loc_english.txt " there is no information about “honey”. (((
I’m not sure around which update they made Honey available. Right now just couple days ago Quake Enhanced had Update #4, adding Threewave CTF. And separately also Rubicon 2 is available as new free add-on.
You should put \localization folder with loc_Your_language_.txt in it inside the mod folder. At least it works with QSS.
I did all this, but the text did not appear, there is only a sound signal. I even found update 3 with all the addons. In QE everything is displayed, but in QSS it is empty. (((
Yeah you’re right. The text is displayed in Rubicon 2 but not in Terra. I was using latest data from Quake Enhanced and latest QSS version.
Also I just realized that the downloadable addons (udob, pun, terra, honey, etc) are not localized and they don’t require QuakeEX.kfp file or loc_english.txt - that is needed only for re-release version of id1, hipnotic, rogue, dopa, mg1 and now also ctf.
This is proabbly a bug in QSS. Because I also checked terra from re-release in “regular” QuakeSpasm (not Spiked) and text is displayed just fine.
It’s all clear to me now. Thanks.
Apparently if you downloaded it from inside the rerelease engine then it uses builtins specific to the rerelease.
Those builtins will not work properly on your 0.94.0 version (also wouldn’t work in QS of the same age either).
More recent builds are available…
You may be able to side step the issue by using non-rerelease-specific download sources, but hey, you might as well just update the engine to the latest instead.
[quote=Spoike]Apparently if you downloaded it from inside the rerelease engine then it uses builtins specific to the rerelease.
Those builtins will not work properly on your 0.94.0 version (also wouldn’t work in QS of the same age either).
More recent builds are available…
You may be able to side step the issue by using non-rerelease-specific download sources, but hey, you might as well just update the engine to the latest instead.[/quote]
Dear, Spoike.
I have updated QSS to version 0.94.7 as you said. I also installed the latest version of QE2021 with all the addons. But unfortunately, the text did not appear in the Honey addon and there is no mention of addons in the localization file, except for DOPA and DOTM.
Well, that’s fine. I can play Honey without text (I previously played the old version of this addon). I just don’t really like the KEX engine. It does not support external HD textures. Although its dynamic lighting is more interesting than in QSS.
Oh, by the way! To display the text in the adapted DOTM addon (mg 1) in QSS, it is not enough to have a localization file. We also need files that are located in the “mg1\fgd” folder, including the “messages.fgd” file. Then the whole text is displayed.
Really Honey 22 and Terra 22 has same issue in QSS - not displayed any console and on screen narrative messages, visible in other engines. Not such critical and there are a lot of other sourceports but… many users preferred using QSS because it is the best one. And so they expect a high level of mod compatibility and perfection of it working.
So Mr. Spoike thank You for outstanding engine and keep it going on.
That can’t be it, .FGD files are entity definition file for level editors like WorldCraft, Hammer and Trenchbroom.