
overall_rating 3.91304347826087 23

Forum thread for deepness

Cute extra content. The map itself is probably the weakest part, though, since it’s short and fairly simple in design.

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Funny, I have quite the opposite opinion to onetruepurple’s… Yes, the map is short and simple, but it is pretty if a bit too dark in places. Case in point: you’ll never find one of the secrets if you don’t know where to look or crank the brightness up, as the shootable button activating it is in total darkness and not glowing.

The problem IMHO is said extra content. It doesn’t fit Quake’s atmosphere and the new monsters’ textures and anims need more work. Also, the “boss” is very underwhelming combat-wise.


Excellent! I really like the looks of the temple areas in particular. The high ceilings give a nice sense of scale and I like the yellow round lamps high up there. The vines, waterfalls and broken parts of the temple create this nice atmosphere of decay. I also like the ethereal singing voice that you can hear from time to time. That combined with the ghost monsters add nicely to the atmosphere. The selection of vanilla monsters (with blue reskins) was appropriate for the theme as well.

I liked the novel idea of using the trident to replace the Thunderbolt! Nice creativity there! Good thing you made it safe to use underwater! xD Using AD items also suited the theme pretty well here.

The only thing that clashes with the theme are the bright mermaid characters. Maybe a darker Lovecraftian twist on the mermaid chracters would have made them feel more like they belong in the map. The sharks too, while otherwise very well done, are maybe a tad bright compared to the dark blue and green theme the map has otherwise going on. But maybe I’m being a bit nit-picky here. :slight_smile:


Pretty standard with no real flaws to it but with nothing much memorable either, except for the ocean part. It was quite refreshing fighting the swimming monsters (with a completely new nicely executed shark monster) while having to make sure I don’t run out of air bubbles. I liked how you couldn’t outswim the sharks (which turned out to be the cause of my downfall). Now in hindsight I think it would have been cool to make more use of verticality during the ocean part, like having some caves higher up in the rock wall. I liked the replacement sound for the SSG. Gave it a little bit of ‘oomph’.

Other gameplay:

Since the map looks so nice, it’s interesting enough to explore. I liked the air bubble mechanic and having the horsefish illuminate dark areas.

The secrets were okay. However, I couldn’t find the third secret until Mugwump mentioned having to crank up the brightness, so that left a little bit to be desired.

I prefer short maps, so the map’s length isn’t really a problem, but maybe it was a bit too simple, as mentioned above, dunno.

Closing thoughts:

Overall, a really nice-looking map with a coherent theme, but the gameplay has a few hiccups here and there. The ocean part had the most interesting combat, which I would have liked to see more of and with some verticality.

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I’m going to call this one “cute.” But it’s a nice departure from the usual gritty-brutal Quake content.

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