
overall_rating 3.166666666666666 25

Forum thread for plumber

I didn’t like only rough ground in cave. And too bad that those new monsters don’t have unique sounds…

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Call a Plumber on The Quake Grave

Call a Plumber is a good yet odd little map. I agree with the description that the spider trap is pretty awesome with the way it all unfolds and it’s great having custom monsters in this early of a map. The map also offers a good challenge and it flows together quite nice!

However, it is a little cramped and due to this it can be a little annoying maneuvering in certain areas as you get caught on geometry.

As a side note, It’s interesting the way some mappers do secrets. Where in some leave clues lying around to show you that there could be a switch or something nearby to open a hidden or shown secret nearby. Then there are others who just kind of have secrets and don’t leave clues or anything as to how to access them. I feel like this map falls into the latter category. Personally I’m not very good at finding secrets anyway but staring at a case of rockets and a mega health when you desperately need them and having a couple of bars blocking the path that say “hmm…” when you approach is pretty annoying.

All in all I would say check the map out though. It’s a good map with a great spider event, custom creatures and it flows well!

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A very cool short map with a dungeon/sewer theme, new spider monsters, a few traps and tough secrets to discover.

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Unregistered user “Dymitry” posted:

Ah, so this is where Travail got the spiders from.

One of the secrets does have a reasonable clue; one of the doors with no visible doorknob, which can have something explosive bounced through the small window. Unfortunately, that secret is needed to access the three after it, which are all chained together. The first of those secrets is misleading, set up to look like there is a way to lower a set of bars when they need to be bypassed instead. The other two are then painfully obvious.

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This is rather a jolly little outing, all these years later. I enjoyed the sense of a carefully controlled progressing that returns you to the same areas repeatedly under different circumstances.

I couldn’t make much sense of the secrets, though. I didn’t get the grenade launcher till near the end, so although I used it to open the first secret, I never had a chance to go on to the later ones.

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I really enjoyed the various little challenges in the map. The underwater section was quite memorable for me, as was the spider trap. The level is quite cramped which can make it hard to avoid taking damage, but that adds a nice touch of difficulty to the small encounters in the level that is often missing from other maps. It’s a shame that getting around such a space can be such a hassle though - uneven floors can be a real pain, as others have commented on.

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