
overall_rating 3.0 9

Forum thread for tww

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A small, gritty base map with a couple of non-linear touches. Gameplay is generally decent, although it’s slightly cramped and I found the progression confusing at one point.

It’s a good map for its time, and far better than the author’s previous map, which itself was far better than its predecessor. It’s too bad this seems to be Mr. Texier’s last map, because at that rate of improvement he would have become a star mapper.

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I really like it. It really feels like a warehouse cluttered with crates and machinery to operate them and such; gritty, as JMP put it. The lighting is atmospheric, with the author playing with shadows tastefully, i.e. not making areas completely dark and frustrating the player. Solid 4/5 territory here, I’d say.

Combat and gameplay:
Agreed with JMP about the decent gameplay and confusing progression. The map gave me the impression of having been designed primarily as a dm map (and sure enough it has dm starts). The non-linearity makes the single player experience less cohesive, with monsters and equipment of varying levels being scattered seemingly randomly in the map, obfuscating the sense of progression. The map’s also pretty short, so gameplay-wise I’d rate this something like 2,5/5.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, that the map’s probably called Warfare Warehouse, not Warefare Warehouse. Sure, the readme file says ‘warefare’ and ‘warefare’ looks like it could be a pun when combined ‘warehouse’. However, the map file itself says ‘warfare’; it’s packed with enemies and all the game’s weapons and warefare doesn’t even mean anything. Crash also called it the Warfare Warehouse, so maybe rename the entry here?

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It’s a somewhat open ended base map. Maybe a bit too open ended for its good. As a player, I felt a lack of direction.
The mandatory teleport kind of blends in, when it’s closed. The objective is a, seemingly, random shootable button. There’s also a keycard exactly at the end teleport, which serves no purpose at all.
Bottom line, it’s not the best map in the world. But I’ve certainly seen worse before.

Link to Nightmare 100% walkthrough: https://youtu.be/J6G9_NWqkds