Frontend server updated

I finally upgraded the frontend server to Caddy 2. This was quite a major upgrade and I hope that everything still works.

As before, all HTTP connections that do not use HTTPS will be redirected to HTTPS except for user-agents with “Java” or “Quakeinjector” in their header. If you maintain any third-party client that uses Quaddicted, please try to support HTTPS. I do not want to provide unencrypted HTTP access forever.

If you spot something server-ish being broken (access in general, redirects, etc), please report in.

And some more updates. The frontpage will be fixed later.
Now more things might be broken \o/

Meh, the frontpage feed of database interactions cannot be rendered as HTML anymore so it is just plain text now. Not ideal but hey…

It is temporary or it will be fixed, “Recent Activity” part?

I will fix it and it will look more similar to the News feed in the top right.

It will be great, thank You, Spirit!

Thank you too :slight_smile:

From now on they are linked to the release again.