Hakros Quake Launcher 1.5

Staff notice: This is using an unauthorized copy of data from Quaddicted (everything you see is stolen from Quaddicted, the descriptions, ratings, tags, images, everything). This thread is locked. -Spirit

Hi everyone

I have created this application for Windows to manage all your QUAKE classic contents and to be able to launch all mods and community maps created since 1996 until now.

This version includes its own content explorer that allows you to download new contents easily and free from the official website with a complete selection of the best mods and addons from the QUAKE community.

You just need to have the QUAKE remastered game installed on your computer on Steam or another platform and you will be able to download content from the official server, more than 2000 maps and mods available. And of course, you can easily add your own content too.

I want to thank the creators of Quake Injector, because it has been very useful for me to develop this software. Thanks guys.

I’ll hope you like it.

it is already available at quakelauncher . com

Reveal trailer

Staff notice: This is using an unauthorized copy of data from Quaddicted (everything you see is stolen from Quaddicted, the descriptions, ratings, tags, images, everything). This thread is locked. -Spirit

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Hello again.

@Spirit told me that I have not given you credit or attribution but it has been that way. It’s all indicated in the program license, which is precisely why I came here, just to thank you all for your efforts with the Quake Injector tool.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


New release 1.2 with some bugs fixed.

New release 1.3

  • Application translated into the following languages:

    • Chinese
    • Czech
    • Dutch
    • English
    • Finnish
    • French
    • German
    • Hindi Irish
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Norwegian
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Swedish
    • Ukrainian
  • Discord user’s requests

  • Bugs fixed

Looking forward to checking this out!

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New release 1.5

  • New engines added (Quakespasm Spiked, VkQuake and Zircon Engine).
  • New rating filter system.
  • Discord user’s requests.
  • Bugs fixed.

Sadly I need to put a stop to this.

They took all their content from Quaddicted.com, without any legal rights or permission or at least even asking. This includes screenshots, descriptions, tags, ratings, etc.

Originally this content was not only available in the app but also on their website, basically creating a competing website with our content.

Originally there was not a single word on the source of all this. The website and app made it appear like their own (or public domain) content.

I asked for prominent credit to be added to all pages while I would consider giving it an OK or not. They did not comply but argued that “[the data and images are] public data, available on an open and accessible website”. That, of course, is not how legal rights and copyright work. Morals and ethics aside… They ignored my repeated explanations of these issues.

They lied, saying that credit was given from the beginning, while actually the “terms” page was added to the website only later. This was and is in no way a reasonable and clear representation of the data.

The “license” page:

Currently the app has some popup dialogs with praise for the “quake injector” as source for the data (uh no, it is just a consumer of it too…). The website still shows our content in a carousel preview. Data from us is copied and served from that server, e.g. https://www.quakelauncher.com/@database/screens/rd1m3rmx.jpg

Example screenshot of the website:

Screenshot of the popup dialog from the app:

The rest of the app does not show any appropriate credit. The data is fetched from copies on their server.

More screenshots from the app:

It basically is “all data copied from Quaddicted and displayed as if it was made by Hakros”. Not ok.

The communication with Hakros has been nothing but disrespectful, frustrating and non-constructive.
Looking around on the web I found similar behavior by them with other projects (e.g. on the Doomworld forums).

I give up.

Hakros, you have no permission to copy and re-use our content. Take down your illegal copies of our content.

To anyone else who mirrors Quaddicted or builds tools based on it: Relax! If you worry after reading this, just talk to me. There is probably nothing to worry about. On the contrary… :heart:

What a falsehood! How can you say “disrespectful communication”?

From the very beginning, I’ve done exactly what you asked: I placed direct links to Quaddicted on all profiles, and besides the original disclaimer, I added an additional popup message that appears every time the terms of use are accepted and when the direct access link to Quaddicted is used, because you said people don’t read the license.

What I can’t do is put a warning on every page because it’s absurd. Besides, if I did that, it would worsen the user experience, and according to your own criteria that people don’t read notices, they wouldn’t read those either.

Let me remind you that your information is public since it’s accessible on all profiles on the web, and you don’t even need to log in to access it.

As I already told you, it’s a free app (without ads), and I made it just to introduce the awesome game QUAKE to more people. I don’t understand your exaggerated reaction when I was the one who came to this forum from the start to thank you for creating the QUAKE INJECTOR, which inspired me to create the launcher.

If I had done it maliciously, I wouldn’t have said anything, and you would have found out by chance.

As for your insistence that the website didn’t have a license, I already explained it to you. The website is just a showcase so people can see the incredible creations of the community, and any interaction leads directly to the program download, which is why I didn’t initially put the license on the website because it was already in the program. But I activated it on the website so you could see it without needing to download the program. It was in the program from the beginning, and it’s not my fault that you didn’t download it until the last day (which is evident from the responses you’ve given me in the private conversation).

I’m sorry we couldn’t reach an agreement.

Imagen 021

For many reasons. Most importantly your continued ignorance to moral and legal issues that I explained in private messages. I will post my messages in the bottom of this post so others can see what I wrote.

You did not. Not even now does the app explicitly say on each page/view that the screenshot, description, tags, rating, everything, is taken from Quaddicted.

It does not matter anyways. You do not have permission to use our content and you will not receive it. Stop publishing and distributing illegal copies of our data.

Let me remind you that this is completely irrelevant and that this does not give you any right to copy and re-use any of it in the way you did. Stop publishing and distributing illegal copies of our data.

From what I read on Doomworld, you tend to use AI tools. Maybe you use them for communication too? If you do not understand what I am saying, maybe consider asking another person who speaks your language to help you. And if you use AI translation for your answers, consider asking another person who speaks your language to check, if the translation actually transports your intended meaning.

I will not continue to waste time and energy on this.

My private messages to Hakros (of course I won’t publish their private responses here without permission):

June 29th:

I applaud your enthusiasm and have to say that this looks pretty slick! But it looks like you took all content from the Quaddicted map releases database and even built a competing website with it? Descriptions, screenshots, tags, even ratings are “stolen” from Quaddicted.

This is not ok. I am really sad and pissed off that there is not even a single notice about the source of the data.

I am not sure how to respond right now so if you have suggestions how to fix the situation, please shout. If you want to collaborate, an interface to the DB (that looks this nice!) could be added to quaddicted.com itself. I am sure it would be a highlight for many users.

For now please at least add appropriate credit as soon as possible (e.g. with links to the corresponding pages at Quaddicted or something similar).

Btw: Be aware that the Quake Injector XML will probably not be updated anymore. The new DB has a PostgREST API which will enable people to build nice dynamic tools on top of it (and yes, it will require attribution…).

July 6th:


By now I have had enough time to think about this:

That terms page was not there when you posted the initial announcement. And at least on my phone it redirects to /download.php which then redirects to https://hakros.itch.io/hakros-quake-launcher
And it is nowhere near enough for what your site (and app) do.

At the bottom you even claim “Copyright © 2024-2029 Hakros Interactive. All rights reserved.” which is absolutely not ok. You do not have any rights on the content you have taken so slapping a copyright notice on it is dishonest and misleading.

I am not sure if we can find a good resolution unless you change quite a few things. Building a competing website by blatantly copying other people’s work is not ok and I am not sure if adding credit is enough. In its current form, the site definitely does not make it obvious enough that all content comes from an unauthorized copy of the Quaddicted map release database.

Please for now make sure that every single page makes clear that everything (description, tags, screenshot, rating, classification (map/mod), etc) is copied from Quaddicted. And prominently link to each corresponding canonical page at Quaddicted. Please make sure that it does not appear to be official or officially endorsed. On the terms page maybe you could add that it is neither endorsed nor supported by Quaddicted.
Please do the same in the app.

This is not an official agreement that you use our content this way. I am just trying to limit the damage for the time being.

It would be ace if we could find a better solution! As I said, your site looks really nice and useful for users. But I am sure you understand that it is not ok to steal decades of other people’s work without permission and then built a competing service. If you are open for collaboration, maybe we could actually integrate parts of your work at Quaddicted, to improve and extent that site instead.

Sorry for the harsh words, I hope you understand my indignation.

Regards, Spirit

July 6th:

I am trying to find a friendly solution here…

Are you aware that you infringing on our copyright?

July 7th:

It does not matter much that you specify that you have no rights on the contents, it is that you are using them without rights.

Adding just a link back to the profile is not enough. It still makes it appear like the rest is your work. You have no rights to copy and re-publish all this. Do you not understand this?

This could just be a misunderstanding of legal rights but your refusal to even credit your source in any reasonable way (reasonable as in: people immediately know where you took it all from) makes it look pretty malicious.

Add “Data, image, description, tags and rating taken from Quaddicted. This site/app is not endorsed nor supported by Quaddicted.”, with “Quaddicted” being a link to https://www.quaddicted.com/ now. On every page!

As before, this is not an approval or licensing of the data to you, but a temporary measure. I am trying to limit the damage. We might require you to take it down completely. Your responses are not assuring me in any way that you have good intentions towards Quaddicted and make it appear like a hostile grab of our content.

Cheers, Spirit

July 8th:

There is no mention on the homepage, on the list of packages nor on the detail page of a package.

It still gives the immediate impression that all that content is by you. People do not read “license” pages nor is hiding the provenance there in any way appropriate.

Here are some suggestions, if you cannot come up with appropriate credit:

I am serious about this. Make an honest effort to stop misrepresenting the data. It is 100% from Quaddicted (via the Quake Injector, our official tool). You must make that obvious to everyone, everywhere.

If you continue to not properly and ethically credit the source of all this data, I will stop trying to find a solution and also make it public that this is based 100% on stolen content. I am losing my patience here.

Cheers, Spirit

July 20th:

I gave you ample time to reconsider your replies, are you going with what you said in https://discuss.quaddicted.com/t/re-hakros-quake-launcher-1-1/7542/11 or do you want to reconsider what you said above? Your last two messages are sending quite a mixed signal.

No, it is not enough how you display it now. As I said before: I require that the user must be told the source of the data on every single “page”. The mockups I did were obviously tongue-in-cheek after your continued refusal to properly credit the data source… There would be much more reasonable ways to do so, but you never gave the impression to care so I had a bit of artistic freedom.

I hope that you are aware that you have no legal rights to take this data and content. If not, I suggest you do some research and act accordingly.

One thing that is important to understand my harsh and angry position here: You say “have given you credit from the very beginning”. That is not true. The site quakelauncher.com did not credit Quaddicted in any way when you advertised it here. The “LICENSE” link appeared only later. Or was there another place on the site where the legal status and source was displayed? I am not talking about the app here although I wonder how things were displayed in the first versions.

Also, it’s petty but: I did offer collaboration, you did not respond to that.

One more thing, since I have been so disrespectful, let me present the evidence of the conversation we’ve had and let everyone think what they want.

PS: I see that, very conveniently, you only put your responses so that it seems like I’m ignoring you or something like that.


By the way, my friend, what were you saying about disrespectful conversation?

Thanks for publishing your messages too. I did not post them because they were private messages and I honor that privacy. My post did not insinuate that there were no responses from you, in fact there are clear indicators that they are from a back-and-forth conversation. But I made sure to clarify it with an edit.

Anyways, this is all completely irrelevant and a distraction. You have stolen our work and are distributing it without permission. Stop that.

Thanks for your interest. Would it be possible for you to do a video analysis?

Not at the moment until you and Spirit come to an agreement and you comply with his requests. I am pretty sure you meant no harm with creating the tool, but Spirit needs to be comfortable with it before I give you free publicity.

I truly hope you can both come to an agreement somehow. Maybe give it a couple of days and try again.

One other thing. Honestly, I am very wary of software tools that require dependencies like CerSharp. It makes me not want to risk it regardless of what is happening now with Spirit. I know these type of plugins can lead to malicious code and to me it’s just not worth the risk when there are many other options for getting content into my Quake directory.

No, he had multiple chances.

edit: Removed a sentence here because I missed context. Discourse replies are confusing.

That’s too bad and only hurts the community in the end. It would have been great for this to be a collaboration.

I came here with good intentions, to inform about the creation of the launcher and to thank the creators of the Quake Injector. However, @Spirit took it the wrong way but suggested I make some changes to try to avoid conflict.

I did what he told me, adding links on the pages to the Quaddicted website, expanding the disclaimer, and even putting up a notice with extended information.

The only thing I refused to do was to place a banner on every page, which would only ruin the user experience and is unnecessary since they have already been informed both in the license and in the notice about the origin of the data.

Afterward, he decided to announce here in the main thread that I stole the data, claiming that our conversation was very disrespectful, yet it was he who treated me condescendingly when referring to the AI issue, as if I were ignorant.

That was the summary of the conversations.

I regret that we couldn’t reach an agreement.

This is my last message.

The actual summary:

Hakros scraped data and images from Quaddicted to create a tool named after himself, that displays them in fancy rendering and otherwise mirrors functionality from tools like the Quake Injector, QuaddictedTool or numerous others (downloading and installing content). He copied all that data to his own webserver.

He did not credit Quaddicted in any reasonable way. He presented this data in “Hakros Quake Launcher”, giving the impression that it is his data. There was also a public website, where initially there was not even any mention of the source of the data (proof).

When confronted, he argued that the data are “public data, available on an open and accessible website” as if that somehow gives any legal or moral permission to take it all and rebrand it under their own name.

I asked for credit given immediately, while I would consider giving him the OK to do this: “Please for now make sure that every single page makes clear that everything (description, tags, screenshot, rating, classification (map/mod), etc) is copied from Quaddicted. And prominently link to each corresponding canonical page at Quaddicted.”

Instead he added a “Visit the profile on Quaddicted” button for each release (no mention that this is the source of the data) and a generic “Quaddicted” link (again, no mention as to why). The only mention of the source of the data is in a popup, shown initially to the user. As a user, those links are not in any way an indication that all the tool does show, is copied straight from Quaddicted.

He continued to use the data in a way that did not make it obvious that everything is taken from an non-consenting third party. The data is even served from a different server, not from the source.

Hakros obviously has no rights nor permission to use our data or images (there is no open license on our data*). He never did and he never will. Please do not promote his tool. It’s unethical piracy, plain and simple.


To anyone who things I am overreacting and petty: Well, maybe a bit? But not really. There are morals and ethics, plagiarizing other people’s data is violating those. And check out Hakros’ other projects to see their moral compass (Doom Awards, HakrosTex, etc). I see zero reason to give them any benefit of doubt.

*Something to hopefully change in the future. But it would always require appropriate and prominent attribution.

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