A mysterious stranger over at /vr/ https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/7041037#p7041102 the original .LBM textures for Quake.
I have split the previously unseen textures into wads. The goods: http://www.quaketastic.com/files/texture_wads/id_unused.zip
Around 50 (of 400) were previously also a part of tim.wad & dm7.bsp (both ripped from Quake Arcade). Two textures (rock2_1, rock2_2) were in tim.wad but aren’t among the .LBMs, so I’ve included them for completeness.
The overlaps between medieval/metal/wizard sometimes get in the way. So for anyone interested, http://www.quaketastic.com/files/texture_wads/id_by_mat.zip are all the official textures, without duplicates, split by material rather than theme (kind of). Just don’t expect to be able to compile existing maps with these. I’ve included id-style skips as well.
Aside from that…
Here are some rewritten FGDs: for http://www.quaketastic.com/files/tools/vrQuake.fgd and http://www.quaketastic.com/files/tools/vrQuoth2.fgd. Fixed some decades-old typos and omissions, added the new bsp/light stuff.