Hard Driven - a map inspired by an old HDD

Big Boy is de-fragging his hard drive.

But when somethin’ gets fragged, it oughta STAY fragged.

A sci-fi themed gun-hootenanny set on (and inside) a giant supercomputer hard drive.

Download and see screenshots here: https://archive.org/details/brendy2
Little flythrough vid here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl06YbMOWvY

  • 10-15 mins to play
  • 4 underwhelming secrets
  • 1 mysterious puddle

This is my second Quake map. I got the idea when I was taking apart an old PC and unscrewed the hard drive.
“Hey,” I thought, “if I was a tiny borrower or something, I could totally run around on this.”

You can see how that idea evolved here: https://imgur.com/a/2QBGkDw

Please let me know what you think. I’m always looking for notes on how to improve!

Thank yous: Bal and Tim Stonks for playtesting, Makkon for textures, Hazel Whorley for skybox, Khreathor for prototype textures, and basically everyone on the Quake mapping Discord for endless secretly helpful chatter.

I was still bored at this hour, but then I read your contribution here. A very unusual map. But I mean that in a positive way. Big, lots of space for the battles and I liked the whole setting very much. Cool idea based on a hard drive… Unfortunately I noticed the 4 secret too late in the lower area where the lava (wall) is. I guess some enemies didn’t notice me or I wanted to get to the exit too fast. Respect for your work!

Here is the direct YouTube link to the video!


Thanks for playing and recording a vid! The fourth secret is more of a really hidden easter egg. You only get a window of a couple of seconds to stumble into it, and it does not lead to a happy ending… Be glad you didn’t find it!

Your map is great, I liked it a lot; I like that digi-tech, kind of abstract environmental design with heavy machine-world involvement. Reminds me somewhat of one game that I played, called ‘NaissanceE’ - I would not draw any further particular similarities between the two, though, save for loose association. Your inspiration - based on natural observation - is also cool, excellent thing to mention in the “readme”.

I found some bugs; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vJbnGzbVlyf83H0KoSXQAxhX6aWWAjV7?usp=sharing are the screenshots. // The screenshots will be deleted in following weeks.

looks like it would be good for Malice.

Wow I love that style

[quote=triple_agent]Your map is great, I liked it a lot; I like that digi-tech, kind of abstract environmental design with heavy machine-world involvement. Reminds me somewhat of one game that I played, called ‘NaissanceE’ - I would not draw any further particular similarities between the two, though, save for loose association. Your inspiration - based on natural observation - is also cool, excellent thing to mention in the “readme”.

I found some bugs; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vJbnGzbVlyf83H0KoSXQAxhX6aWWAjV7?usp=sharing are the screenshots. // The screenshots will be deleted in following weeks.[/quote]

Cheers! NaissanceE looks cool, I must’ve missed that when it came out so thanks for the rec. Yeah, I saw this darned bug in at least one other playthrough. I think I used a Skip texture incorrectly in some way. I’ll have to look into it!

Thanks Spirit :slight_smile:

Y’know what this level reminds me of as well? The “Promethean” aesthetic from ‘Halo: Combat Evolved’ and ‘Halo: Spartan Assault’. These were also mostly large in scope, grey and mono-textured in appeal, yet with selectively distinct, strong patterns that associated with power, wealth or supreme energy, strategically breaking the global tone; the design patterns telling of advanced magic - the world of causative ideal.

Besides: defragmentation <> ‘Windows’ <> ‘Microsoft’ <> ‘XBOX’ <> ‘Halo’.

Speaking of halos, I rather have a halo over my head, than ‘Halo’ in a box, y’know.

Halo CE is one of my all-time faves, I definitely tried to ape Forerunner architecture for this!

Well, it came out to work also in ‘Quake’!

For the original ‘Halo’, impressive is that it did the first person view shooter differently to the achievements of ‘id Software’, but what we should remember, is that it did the thing differently for a different hardware; the outcome, was synergy of novelties. Another spin on the first person view shooter, is an insta-death formula, which ‘SUPERHOT’, for example, very effectively blended together with the notion of mechanical dependency between physical and temporal movement - that I believe, starts in philosophy: time itself is movement.

The future, I believe, belongs to those who will be able to most successfully blend together already existing ideas and formulas, in the most synergistic fashion, especially if the hardware conditions, will change; which introduces the notion of adaptation further into the mix.

This way, playing one game, one will be able to consume more than one thing or vision at a time.

Speaking of insta-death formula, although myself I have not played ‘Halo 2’, I heard that it did include some combat-related elements of such nature, to a mixed public reception.

Brilliant original idea for map. Had a lot of fun in it, but haven’t found everything or killed everything yet. Very different altogether but also an unusually spacious Quake map.

Once I got trapped in or near one of the corners of the map. Got down behind something and couldn’t jump out. Only other annoyance is that the golden key door wouldn’t open again so I couldn’t go back in that inside area.

Also the little area around the circular center outside the thick round pillars, I missed hitting the switch to open some bars and it seemed I couldn’t get back in to do so, but I found a way back in there by falling in from some ledge. Looked like it might have been a difficult squeeze but did it on my only try.

Altogether, excellent work and very impressive for a second map in anything! I haven’t made any Quake maps yet but this encourages me to jump into Trenchbroom.

Thanks for playing! You abs should try Trenchbroom out, it’s excellent.

Amazingly good looking!