I can't get blue monday to work for some reason

I did what I was supposed to but when I type in the console commands it says that it wouldn’t recognize quoth for some reason! what else am I doing wrong?

What exactly were you supposed to do and what did you do?

well I was supposed to do this


Create a new folder called “quoth” in your Quake folder
Copy the contents of the Quoth zip archive into the /quoth/ folder

Create a new folder called “bluemonday” in your Quake folder
Extract the contents of this zip file into the /bluemonday/ folder

Run your preferred Quake engine with the command line arguments:
-quoth -game bluemonday
This can be done from the cmd prompt, or by creating a shortcut to your preferred Quake engine, etc.

  • Run the shortcut (click icon) and make sure the engine loads
  • Not all maps may support multiple skill levels
  • Please check the docs folder for further readme files

which I did (except for creating a shortcut, that I didn’t do)


And how did you launch?

when I type in the console commands it says that it wouldn’t recognize quoth for some reason!

I take it either A. the engine you are running doesn’t support the -quoth switch, or B. you don’t have quoth installed properly.

What engine are you using? It’s not going to work with WinQuake or GLQuake
What is the EXACT content of the error message you are seeing?

(except for creating a shortcut, that I didn’t do)

So you ran it from the cmd prompt, I hope.

Other things to check:

-the quoth folder is in your engine folder, i.e. wherever id1 is located
-pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and pak2.pak are in the quoth folder that is immediately under the engine folder. i.e. /quoth/pak0.pak NOT /quoth/quoth/pak0.pak

I run quake using quakespasm and every time I see “unknown command “quoth””

Looks like you’re running the command inside quake but the instructions are meant for the Windows (or other OS) command line interpreter.

Try running this command instead:
game bluemonday -quoth

It worked, I can run it just fine now! Thanks!