New Q1SP: 100 brush competition #4

Here are the results of the fourth 100b contest (=maps made using <100 brushes):
19 singleplayer levels by various authors, and a start hub to select each of them. The maps run on and some of them come with additional content such as models, sounds, and skyboxes.

Final results:

  1. Deflan’Ka by ww
  2. Ioian Shorelines by ionous
  3. Immortal Reach by Spipper
  4. The Di[g]stortion by Digs
  5. Frostbitten by ionous
  6. With Apologies to Insomniac by Spud
  7. The Vale of Dream by Redfield
  8. (tie) The Teleportation Complex by Newhouse
  9. (tie) Beyond and Within by Artistical
  10. (tie) Between Dimensions by JCR
  11. (tie) Locus Genus by Artistical
  12. (tie) Pyro’s Barbecue by Newhouse
  13. (tie) The Forgotten Station by Artistical
  14. (tie) Cerebral Edema by Shotro
  15. (tie) The Engineering Department by JCR
  16. The Tutorial by dumptruck_ds
  17. N-Titties by Shamblernaut
  18. Unwarranted Phlebotomy by DelusionalBear
  19. Ela-V8 by Roman

Thank for the negke.

Thank you!


This was pointing to quoth/, I changed it to 100b4/ because otherwise it would overwrite files.