Playing Quoth maps without launcher?

I wanted to play through lost chapters again recently, along with some other old quoth maps but I’m running into a little trouble.

I’ve re-downloaded several and most seem to have been put into a new format which strictly uses the launcher. which as far as I can tell, would require me to bloat my quoth directory with lit files for lots of the maps and placing thing within the quoth folder that I would like to remain clean.

I’m not too fond of the drag and drop method for starting games. I much prefer to make a shorcut with the needed command line parameters. Plus, the game seems to lag a bit more when I use the launcher.

I know this may seem silly, but it would be really nice if there was some sort of work around so I could start them the old fashioned way. Ie “quakespasm.exe -quoth -game chapters” .

I was just hoping there may be someway I could still achieve this. Thanks.

I made additional folder “quothMaps” with Quoth’s “*.pak” files. Custom quoth maps I download to “quothMaps/maps/” folder. Then I run “quakespasm.exe -quoth”, and in console type “map %mapname%”.

Hi Legend

[quote=Legend]I wanted to play through lost chapters again recently, along with some other old quoth maps but I’m running into a little trouble.

I’ve re-downloaded several and most seem to have been put into a new format which strictly uses the launcher.

I know this may seem silly, but it would be really nice if there was some sort of work around so I could start them the old fashioned way. Ie “quakespasm.exe -quoth -game chapters” .

I’m a little confused by your post. None of the maps on Quaddicted require any sort of special launcher and nothing has been “put into a different format” either. Everything can be launched “the old-fashioned way”, with “-game [name of mod]” +map [mapname]“, or in engines such as Quakespam which support the -quoth” switch, “-quoth -game [name of mod] +map [mapname]” (e.g. “-quoth -game ne_tower +map ne_tower”).

Note that Contract Revoked and The Lost Chapters do not require Quoth. They both predate the mod and are forerunners of it – so you only have to use e.g. “-game chapters +map start”.

.lit files have nothing to do with how you launch maps; they are files generated by the compiler when you make a map with coloured lighting. The .lit file goes in the same place as the .bsp file, namely id1/maps or [name of mod]/maps.

You can technically run maps without their lit files – the map will still run, but it won’t look as the mapper intended (since the coloured lighting will be gone). In the case of Quoth maps that do not require any additional mod (unlike e.g. ne_tower, which requires both ne_tower and quoth), one would normally place the .bsp and .lit files into quoth/maps.

If you really want your quoth directory to remain unchanged from when you first downloaded it, you could place those bsp files (and lit files, where applicable) in id1/maps instead, and then launch the engine with the -quoth switch (provided you are using an engine that supports it, such as Quakespasm). Or you could manually create a separate directory for all your quoth maps (only the ones that do not require an additional mod of their own!), and place the bsp and lit files in [whatever name you choose]/maps, and then launch the engine with “-quoth -game [whatever name you choose] +map [mapname]”.

Thanks for the reply.
Sorry I wasn’t terribly clear. I actually got the files from the Quoth website. The one’s there have been put into a format made specifically to utilize the quoth launcher that is packaged with the latest quoth files.

I originally tried to make this post over at quakeone, but it didn’t seem to want to let me enter any text in the message for some reason. And I can’t seem to register over at the Qompendium/nextgenquake forums since it never seems to send me the confirmation email. This was the only forum I could manage to make a post at. Sorry if it wasn’t quite the right forum.

I know lit files are just added colored lights that aren’t really necessary to play the maps.

Anywho, I got several of JPL’s maps from there as well such as fort driant and five rivers which came in this newer format. That only seems to work if I use the drag and drop into the launcher I mentioned before. I tried just putting it into a folder and starting it up with “quakespasm.exe -quoth -game 5rivers” for example.

Thanks again for the pointers.

[quote=Legend]Thanks for the reply.
Sorry I wasn’t terribly clear. I actually got the files from the Quoth website. The one’s there have been put into a format made specifically to utilize the quoth launcher that is packaged with the latest quoth files.[/quote]

You mean from Preach’s website Ah, ok, now it makes more sense.

No worries. :slight_smile: I just assumed you were talking about files you downloaded from Quaddicted, since you posted here.

And it sounds like you kind of ended up in the right place by accident, because you can download all the maps you’re looking for from here, in their original format. If you haven’t done so yet, try

It would be best to stick to the version of Quoth 2.2 that you got from Preach’s site, though. Despite having the same filename and containing identically named files, it is slightly newer than (and contains a few fixes absent from) the version currently available on Quaddicted. For most maps this will make little to no difference, but the Func Map Jam 9 maps specifically require the version currently only available on Preach’s site. These things are pointed out in the individual map descriptions on Quaddicted, though, so it’s a good idea always to read those before playing.