Quake Injector feedback

I found another map that is passing the wrong arguments: coven. it is missing “-game soe”. It is just passing: “+map coven”.

Fixed. thx

Thanks, Negke. I liked your map Bad Dark Cistern.

Couldn’t spawn on map for vile (“Hell” from Nephilim).

Offtopic: The Quake Injector clone for Doom is now in beta, looks very promising (not tested yet).

Thanks, should be fixed.

It works, thanks! Is the ugly palette intentional?

Dunno, I guess you mean the ugly pixels? Check my comment on http://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/vile.html

Yeah. Well, I’ll delete the gfx folder if it’s really too much of a pain for my eyes.

Rubicon: seems like the game starts with the map itself instead of the start map first.

All included levels are listed in the maps tab. I suppose the ‘problem’ is that they are ordered by name, thus the Injector chooses rub2m1 by default instead of start.

the Injector lists them as they are ordered in the backend. I am fairly sure. it loads the top one by default.

Ah, in rubicon’s case there was no startmap (possible bsp file) specified to the Injector tried “packagename”.bsp. I added start and the super secret.

As I refuse to install the Java Virtual Machine on my Windows system, I am unable to run this software, which is a bit of a shame as it looks useful.

Any chance you could rebuild it linking to the SDL library or something instead?

Yes, I hate Java that much - I haven’t even tried that Minecraft game despite the millions of people talking about that. I’m sure there’s plenty of other people out there like me who just won’t even run a java app as somehow a .jar executable has become synonymous with malware in my mind.

I heard that Oracle wants to offer a way to compile java code into exe files but I have not followed up. Until that happens, this would require a lot of work and is unlikely to happen. I would much rather have people improve the tool itself.

SDL is something completely different.

Java is fine, just make your browser not load it without asking. Running Windows is synonymous with malware in my mind… :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh well, thanks for the reply anyway Spirit, I must say you’re doing a great service to the community hosting this website man, long live the great Quake haha.

Can I ask: Is there an HTML archive of QuakeDev.com around? That had some nice little QuakeC tutorials and a bunch of other stuff if I remember correctly, sad that it’s no longer around.

I’ve been meaning to learn to code myself for a long time, if I ever do get around to it maybe ill create something Quake related like this as a learning experience.


I have a copy of most of the quakedev hosted sites but not the main site iirc. Some random tutorial links:



sm100t_neg!ke gives the usual error: “couldn’t spawn on…”

One of these days, we’ll get them all!

Seems like the Injector does not like that zip filename. Serves negke right. Sorry, I can’t fix that. :frowning:

The one from the pack works for me.

You can’t fix it OR YOU DON’T WANT TO? :wink: Well, understandable - the lighting is terrible. Still, it’s just the old “missing path” error, after all. Fixed now.

oops, I really thought it was the ! in the filename. Sorry :smiley: