Rocket-jump secrets

Some maps has secrets, which I can open only using rocket jump.
But if I use rocket-jump everywhere, I will broke puzzles designed by map author. I common-case “solving” secret using rocket-jump iis not a solving, it is a “broking”.
When I “solve” secret using rocket-jump, I feel unsatisfied, because I did not find the true solving of secret.
So how can I determine, that rocket-jump is a way recommended by author?

I think the only way is that there’s some really obvious clue or hint that you must use a grenade or rocket jump. For example, Beyond Belief start map I think has an obvious rocket launcher dropping from above with a message something like “oh you think you are ready for Nightmare?”. The player must rocket jump to get to the Nightmare skill portal.

I think the only way is that there’s some really obvious clue or hint that you must use a grenade or rocket jump.
A lot of maps does not correspond that rule.
From my side it looks like somebody brings me a metal puzlle with two coupled parts, which I need to uncouple. I spend some time to solve it and say “I surrender”. Then I google the correct way to solve the puzzle and see the video, where author use metal saw.

Since we were talking about a rocket jump. Maybe someone will tell me how to use the “QSS” engine to instantly return the camera to the central position after the rocket jump is resolved? It’s just that the “+/-lookdown” command works, but the “forward_centerview” command does not work. The “QSS” engine simply does not understand it, only the “centerview” command. Which is performed smoothly only after a successful landing on an open surface.

I like the idea of maps that are built round the mechanic, though there are few–Digs’ RJ Zone comes to mind. This only works well if it’s communicated clearly that rocket jumping is necessary, in the readme or in-game.

In my first map, The Bonehoard, one of the secrets required finding a hidden pentagram and then rocket jumping into a pool of lava on the ceiling, and the RL was hidden in another secret to boot. Far from the only problem with the map.