The Quake Ironman League #2 - Red Hatred

[h]What is the Quake Ironman League?[/h]In the spirit of the DWIronman League, the Quake Ironman League has participants play a provided map, episode or mod blind to see who can survive! Rules are at the bottom of the post.

This month you all will be dying to…

Red Hatred, a level by Skacky created for Retrojam4. With a lust for a player’s blood, this map has you taking on several seemingly impossible threats while constantly high on quad-juice. Several gotcha moments, several dollops of insanity, just the type of thing an Ironman needs for breakfast!

Difficulty: Hard (Skill 2)
Mod: Vanilla Quake
Note: This map requires an engine port with increased limits.
Commands: The command “game retrojam4; skill 2” will switch you to the retrojam4 map directory and select the Hard skill, and “record qil2_playername retrojam4_skacky” will begin your attempt.

]To compete, you must play the given map/mod/mapset once on the given difficulty setting and record a demo of your playthrough to submit to this thread./]
]Playthroughs must be (at least mostly) blind. You are not permitted to practice or otherwise study the map before attempts are made./]
]Demo files must be compatible with Quakespasm Spiked source port. (Protocol 15, 666, or FTE999)/]
]No cheat codes or other gameplay hacks may be used./]
]No mods or files other than those provided may be used./]
]If the recording of your run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be submitted./]
]You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the run having completed more secret levels than their competitors will rank higher than them./]

[h]Current Leaderboard[/h]
]Mazu - Finished! 104 kills, 14:57./]
]Bal - Finished! 89 kills, 15:39./]
]Koren - 57 kills, fell in a ditch and fuckin’ DIED/]
]Juz - 51 kills, hugged a spawn and felt the pain./]
]PBQ - 51 kills, kept his friends close and spawn explosions closer./]
]Markie - 44, jumped in the spawn pit and never returned…/]
]Zothique - 21 kills, took a nail bender with a Shambler chaser./]
]Fairweather - 12 kills, became a lightning conductor./]
]H4724 - 12 kills, 2: electric boogaloo./]
]AlekswithaK - 3 kills, got spawn-slapped in a corner, rip!/]

Was searching for suitable maps for this event, then fucked around and found out with this one and immediately knew it was the right kind of thing for the ironman. I ate shit almost immediately,

Trying something for the top All-time players, the top 3 finishers of each phase will get a point, and those will add up / ect over time. Wonder if there’s a more fleshed-out way to do this. Suggestions would be lovely.

On top of this, I’d like feedback on the frequency of this event. Is a month too sparse? Should I try fortnightly leagues?

51 kills for me - my demo looks a bit more like i’m playing counterstrike than quake in some places.

I feel like a more sophisticated way of doing the all-time leaderboard probably is necessary. The current system only represents the best people and doesn’t really distinguish between them. I did come fourth last time though, so take that as you will. Maintaining stats for everybody in order to do a leaderboard is a lot of work, especially if you’re just putting everything straight into a forum post. Maybe someone should keep a spreadsheet? It gets complicated fast, even more so if we’re going to be doing this more frequently than one a month, which is the other thing to be discussed.

It would be nice if someone who had a decent understanding of stats could come up with a good scoring system, or at least recycle one from somewhere else.

Completed. Some epic close calls, but still managed to get through!

I died at 12 kills, but after a few attempts I got through the whole thing single segment. 4/5 secrets, so almost 100% too. I’ve included both demos.

[quote=h4724]I feel like a more sophisticated way of doing the all-time leaderboard probably is necessary. The current system only represents the best people and doesn’t really distinguish between them. I did come fourth last time though, so take that as you will. Maintaining stats for everybody in order to do a leaderboard is a lot of work, especially if you’re just putting everything straight into a forum post. Maybe someone should keep a spreadsheet? It gets complicated fast, even more so if we’re going to be doing this more frequently than one a month, which is the other thing to be discussed.

It would be nice if someone who had a decent understanding of stats could come up with a good scoring system, or at least recycle one from somewhere else.[/quote]

Yeah, I’ll see what I can do about some kind of scoring system. Maybe I can think one up myself, but entering everything into a spreadsheet (time, secrets, kills, map#, secret map completion, ect) would be grueling and I’d probably need some kind of automatic tool. Using the top 3 is extremely easy and works for now, but hopefully we figure something better out soon.

51 kills, I guess I suffered the same fate as Juz.

Managed to finish being really careful, 89 kills, 15:39.
Very cruel map, but fun, hadn’t played it before.

Demo :

Good showing lads, especially you Bal… wasn’t expecting too many to finish this! But it looks like there’s a lot of opportunities to run from enemies, so the kill counters and time at the end are more competitive. It’s good stuff.

Qmaster messaged me with a proposed scoring system that I thought was a good idea. Players get a 10-1 score based on their ranking, with +1 for participation. This would require setting up a spreadsheet, but it’s probably a lot cleaner than the current idea. Stay tuned.

Created a spreadsheet using this scoring system!

This system doesn’t sound bad. I think doing it purely based on rank and participation is probably the best way to go, since it takes a lot less work than typing each stat in individually. That spreadsheet is pretty low-tech but it works.

I can’t believe anyone can do this in a blind run… :open_mouth:

[quote=Zothique]I can’t believe anyone can do this in a blind run… :open_mouth:[/quote]

Haha, it’s a fucking hard one. Hopefully next Ironman we’ll have some phat episode to play on NM so people can play a bit longer before getting rekt.

Mistakes were made and a floor didn’t seem to want to reset itself. I should have been patient and it would have probably been okay. Oh well!

A really exciting map to blast through after dying as a means of catharsis, that’s for sure.

[quote=koren]Mistakes were made and a floor didn’t seem to want to reset itself. I should have been patient and it would have probably been okay. Oh well!

A really exciting map to blast through after dying as a means of catharsis, that’s for sure.[/quote]

This one goes to a 404 now (was a bit late :c), what was your ending kills / secrets?

[quote=fairweather][quote=koren]Mistakes were made and a floor didn’t seem to want to reset itself. I should have been patient and it would have probably been okay. Oh well!

A really exciting map to blast through after dying as a means of catharsis, that’s for sure.[/quote]

This one goes to a 404 now (was a bit late :c), what was your ending kills / secrets?[/quote]
57 kills, 1 secret.

Whoops, mucked the url up badly. It should have been

Nice spawn trap.


Surprise! We’re moving to bi-monthly posts, and this time it’s a new, fresh episode!

Congratulations to Mazu, Markie and Koren for their top-tier performances, and everyone else for their participation.

Are there any restrictions regarding “always run”, since its behavior changes between vanilla/quakespasm?