Thoughts on creating new music for Scourge of Armagon?

Hello everyone. I have been playing with Doom wads that add new music tracks to existing Doom wads, like Plutonia MIDI Pack. I have been having a blast playing through wads with new music, so I thought that it would be super cool to create new music tracks for Scourge of Armagon. What do you all think about this idea?


Sure, why not? I would have a playthrough with a new soundtrack. The expansion music always felt like a step back in quality from the original Quake one.

Go for it. Iā€™d be curious as to the style. Would you do an orchestral midi type as they had in the mission packs or a more dark ambient feel like the original?

I am nearing completion on a complete replacement soundtrack in the dark ambient style for Quake. Only two tracks to go. It will be released this winter.

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