Underdark Overbright & Copper Issues with 2nd Map

Greetings Everyone! I recently downloaded Underdark Overbright (udob_v1_1) & Copper. I really liked the first map. I started the second, “A Drowning” and encountered some very strange visuals on both the vkQuake and IronWail ports. I have screenshots of everything, but I’m a new user.

Monsters shooting through a door.
I can walk through the same door that the monsters shot through.
Sunken floors and floating health packs.

Frozen monsters. I had monsters posed but not moving.

Hi there. I’ve experienced this and I believe it has to do with outdated library files or conflicting ones. You can install Ironwail in it’s own folder in your Quake directory. I’d suggest that since the library files will be up to date and the correct ones for your engine. Not sure if vkQuake has this feature or not. It might. Good luck.