What's new at Quaddicted

In this thread I will random highlight new things on the site. :partying_face:

Visit https://www.quaddicted.com/db/ for the new database interface!


A quick look on the new map review pages

Oldish version (already with the new comment system):

Current version:


Looks really great! Still retro but with more modern features


like the new look cannot wait for the main site to be updated with the new stuff.

Cheers! Anything new or different you would like to see on the frontpage?

Honestly a live rotation of random maps if possible to sort of engage maps someone might now look at otherwise.

So the DB is live now?

Yes! Just haven’t had the time to update the frontpage yet.

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I haven’t been following the site super closely, so forgive me if this asked a lot. I’ve always use the Quake Injector to install maps, but the list of maps in QI hasn’t updated in over a year. I see that there’s been a lot of updates to the site (great job btw!), so I assume there’s stuff in progress that’s the reason for QI not updated. So I’m just wondering what the status is with that? Or maybe it’s just something I’m doing incorrectly. lol

I presume once the front page is done it will be. But I would wait for an admin to clarify

Unfortunately there is no-one actively developing the Quake Injector since many years. The main development was all done by megaman who has left the Quake scene many years ago. There were some great updates thanks to other contributors but mostly “only” for keeping it running on modern systems and similar housekeeping.

The Quake Injector was based on a very simple and misguided design idea of releases always being straightforward to extract and believing that people would use unique filenames if they released updates for their creations. That turned out to not be always true and gave us lots of headaches and work. Nowadays there will be no more repackaging of releases just to make extraction easy, and the database/metadata structure is much different, so either someone picks up the Quake Injector and seriously redesigns it internally or someone builds a new tool. I know of at least one promising project already.

I really hope that developers will appreciate the nice PostgreSQL API (message me for proper beta access) and build great things with it.

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Makes sense as it does have quite a dated look and it seemed to barely get updated . I could see the more logical approach being to make a separate program than trying to work with such an old program.

Does the new project have a page yet? or not that far along. as i would like to follow it myself too.

You really should remove all references to the Quake Injector on the front page now. Please update the Quake Injector website as well. There’s a lot of confusion around the community on the subject. One example here: https://celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=62328&start=1

I don’t mind spreading the word where I can. However, it’s a little unfair for users that are still supporting Quaddicted to field these questions on other web and social media platforms.

Maybe an official news post would help.

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That tone is really not helpful. This is just a bloody hobby and I would like not to burn out from community pressure again.

That user’s problem has nothing to do with the new database, you are bordering on misinformation there. The user has a Java installation/setup issue and that is neither my fault nor anyone else’s. It’s not my job either to figure out how to get it to work on their particular system. You do it?

Nothing has changed for the Quake Injector. It can still read the old existing “database” XML format file. That file still is being served (with all the releases, up until the development on the new database started and no one bothered to update the old database anymore). All the download and screenshot links are perfectly working. Nothing about the Injector is broken. It will just not receive any more data updates. Unless someone builds a dumbed down export feature for the new database or rebuilds the Quake Injector to support the new database.

The Quake Injector is open-source. Anyone can make it better. The new website is not open-source yet but if you, dear reader, want to help or build something on it, just reach out and I will try my hardest to support you!

And yes, it would be nice to add some notes about this. But development was focused on more important things and I felt that I have been pretty clear about breakage.

Literally the first point under How you can help five years ago:

If there is confusion, the solution is simple: Come here or better yet, to the official Quake Injector repository on GitHub, and ask. It would be nice if there was a “we”, not a “you”.

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Spirit. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I just re-installed the EXE version on Windows 11 and it does work with the old database. On my main gaming Win10 PC it wasn’t working for a few days. Just showed an error. Not sure what the hell is up but clearly I was incorrect.

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New homepage!



It’s not finished, not responsive (help appreciated!), etc etc but hey, progress!

The card in the top right changes weekly for a “package of the week”.


Looks great! People are noticing the card is misaligned on Chrome and Firefox however, as pictured:

I am too stupid for CSS. It also moves when scaling the website. Maybe someone knows a nice way to make it good?
It would be perfect if small text saying “Package of the week” would fit in it as well.

Today’s important change: Old urls for map pages like now direct to the new frontend.


/reviews/kinn_marcher.html →
https://www.quaddicted.com/db/canonical/cc8005e4aa7df6b1f1a33c60a1060cf1e0e4314f5710dbbe6f21d72dcbd6b174 →

The problem is the card is anchored to the left of the page, a set number of pixels offset.
You need to anchor it to the right if you want a fixed position relative to the top & right of the document.
Change left: 1080px to right: 0px (or right: 4px to match the top: 4px)

Personally i’m not a fan of this sort of fixed card being out of band with the rest of the page.
If it were me, i’d consider adding it to the header, i.e:
Move #package_of_the_week under #header after the logo <a href=> element
Get rid of position: absolute & left: 1080px
Add display: inline-block to #package_of_the_week

Note this does increase the vertical height of the header with the card as-is. I’d probably shrink it to match the height of the logo.

Also note i’m not a css expert, I only deal with css when I have to!