
overall_rating 3.75 20

Forum thread for windfsp1

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I had a good time with it. It does feel like a classic id1 style, but much larger. In fact I think some of it is too large, ahah. Lots of empty room - I think maybe some areas could have been shrunk by 30-50% and it would have played a little faster, and snappier.

Of course, I should have heeded your advice and played on Hard. I played on Normal (always do) and maybe with higher enemy counts it would not have felt as empty.

A lot of good, detailed brushwork, especially the ceilings. Lots of fun secrets (found all nine). Although the optional nailgun near the start didn’t feel that good of a secret, as you get the nailgun normally shortly after.

Didn’t notice any mistakes though, a nice variety throughout, and all the enemy encounters felt fun and fair. Overall, a good map. A high 3.

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Nice debut map! I agree with DMXneon that tightening up the rooms a tad would make the combat a bit more challenging, but stuff like that will improve with further mapping experience. Look forward to seeing more from this author! :slight_smile:

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For a first release, this is very good. Heavily influenced by Quake’s Episode 4, there are homages to various maps from this episode in this level. It played well, and made good use of the space, in the sense that you would criss-cross the level back and forth. The author also does something which I feel is very important, creating a sense of atmosphere, making the place seem real and immersive.

Perhaps my only criticism is that many of the rooms and corridors seemed overly spacious as compared to others.

Solid effort.

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I loved this! A real joy to explore. Fantastic brushwork. The place really feels vast and it was a joy to explore and loop around.

It’s very rare to have maps of this scale that invite you to trace your steps back half-lost multiple times over without feeling frustrated or exhausted by it. This aspect makes secret discovery all the more serendipitous. And enabling serendipity is a really rare gift in Quake mapping! I think the vast scale, gentle graceful brushwork and lack of tightness & business of detail really helps with this: you can explore things more leisurely, knowing your attention isn’t being deliberately guided and catered for at all times. It is a regrettable side-effect of a culture of professionalism & perfectionism in the community that this kind of cognitive breathing spacetends to be optimised away.

The scope of secrets within secrets was really neat — so many special little moments.

The zombie maze is a really fantastic set piece. Retreading and rediscovering, multiple objectives, secrets within secretes, and then getting a handle on the third dimension… Delightful work :ok_hand:

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I like the chunky architecture but the layout doesn’t flow or make sense as a real place so it is frustrating to find your way. I also agree that the scale is too big for nice combat.

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