
overall_rating 3.274038461538462 16

Forum thread for q1tm2

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CZG: it begins a bit plain and bad lighted but gets better with time.

Hrimfaxi: i liked this one for its brushwork and theme, even though some brushes doesn’t make sense. Gameplay is good too.

Leviathan: simple and short but good horde combat. Those textures look quite good on it but i don’t recognise them. Are they from Hexen?

Pushplay: the one with the most ‘‘normal’’ style of them, in gameplay, theme and brushwork.

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Czg’s and Hrimfaxi’s maps are fantastic.

Lev’s map looks somewhat interesting thanks to its unusual textures, but I found the horde-based gameplay a little uninspired.

Not a fan of Pushplay’s map, though. It just seemed like a very generic base map, and not a very enjoyable one at that.

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This came up as Quake Map Of The Day on Mastodon, and I was drawn in because of the involvement of CZG and Hrimfaxi, two excellent mappers.

But I thought I’d start with the deathmatch map, since those are generally of less interest. Johnny_Utah by remnent (q1tm2_remnent) unfortunately, though understandably, has nothing to offer to the single player. I love Utah landscapes in real life, and would love to see one implemented in Quake, but this isn’t it.

I really enjoyed Ode To A Newbie (q1tm2_pushplay), which is a perfectly cromulent old-school base map. It’s not especially distinguished, but it’s just good, uncomplicated fun. There were a couple of surprises along the way, so I was pleased to finish with all kills on my first attempt, without any reloading along the way. Only one of the two secrets, though (the grenade launcher).

I quickly realised the only way to play White Slavery (q1tm2_lev) was in God mode. Once I’d made that switch, it was quite fun, though obviously there’s no challenge to it. Without that, it’s just ridiculously too overpopulated with very powerful hordes.

Phala erectus (q1tm2_hrimfaxi) is a definite step up: although the layout is blocky and overlit, the combats are nicely judged and varied, as you make your way through a series of canyons and up through a wooden tower to obtain the silver key. From there, it’s a bridge across the opening area with the high-powered enemies spawning in and you’re done. Nothing surprising here, but lots to enjoy.