Alkaline 1.1: the Thanksgiving update :)

Well, it’s here: the ALKALINE 1.1 release!
Alkaline’s NEW website:

After further development, the update to the Base enhancement mod/map pack is available to enjoy.
With maps from the following level designers:

Bal, Bloodshot, bmFbr, DragonsForLunch, EmeraldTiger, Greenwood,
Grome, Juzley, Makkon, Mazu, Mista Heita, Paul Lawitzki, Scampie, & zigi.

Additionally, this has a lot of new, original music from AlekswithaK!

UPDATED LINKS (12/4/2021)
Additional mirror:
Updated start map (with an additional room/portals) by Makkon …note the new expanded HUD
Core Meltdown by Bloodshot
Overengineering Mania by Mazu & Greenwood
Dancing in the Golden Sun (updated) by Bal
North Central Positronics (updated) by DragonsForLunch
Logistics of Chaos (updated) by EmeraldTiger
Beneath a Silicon Eclipse (updated) by Juzley
Slipgate Sickness (updated) by Scampie & Greenwood
Dire Pipes (updated) by Grome
Foundation for Corruption by Mista Heita
Breakdown (updated) by bmFbr
Geothermal Outpost (updated) by Greenwwood
Derelict Freighter (updated) by Paul Lawitzki
Tellus Terminus by zigi

Installation of Alkaline 1.1 is quite simple!

• Unzip the downloaded package and drag the folder marked “alk1.1” into your the main folder where Quake is installed.

• Launch the game.

• Press the escape key to bring up the console (or the tilde key if already in game).

• Type “game alk1.1” (no quotations).

• If done correctly, the Alkaline menu screen will appear. Start the game!

It is recommended to play Alkaline with Quakespasm or one of its offshoots (Quakespasm Spiked or vkQuake).
However, most source ports that handle increased limits & BSP2 support should work.
The expanded HUD requires Client-Side QuakeC. GL_NEAREST texture filtering is advised.
If playing on the Remaster engine, turning off the enhanced models is recommended.

Hey! THANKS for effortd 1st of all. Updated maps are always appreciated!!! Plus as I see some maps from Alk Jam got it into main mod package, which is great imo

bmFbr told the mod code base itself will be updated with new features - mobs on paths when aggroed in particular - is it in this version?

delete me

delete me

Nice, I am definitely going to try that out, once I get through a list of some older maps and jams, that I intend to eventually play. Until then, maybe a patch or two more, will be released for the “Alkaline”, so anyhow, time works in favor, since you do not abandon the project!

Overengineering Mania???
Seems to be jump bots implemented into Alkaline? Yahooooo!
Thanks Greenwood,
Thanks all the Alkaline crew!

Thanks for the autosave disabling feature.
Quake on!

Can’t wait to play these.

Made another Mirror (NL):

In the new map Overengineering Mania by Mazu & Greenwood, I feel like I’m missing something about how to use jump boots. The jumps being suggested are legitimately impossible from any double jumping height. Now, for the first time ever, I’m actually stuck in a Quake level, because a floor breaks out from under you, and you need to hit a button far out of reach on the ceiling to get out? What on earth am I missing?

@tyfighter Which engine do you use?

I’ve answered on Reddit already, but I’ll copy it here in case someone else has the same problem.

Some jumps require a jump boots upgrade. If you get another one you can do an additional air jump - I know there’s at least one more in the map somewhere, maybe two?

Anyway, there are some other jumps that are indeed difficult, but they all should be doable at least. I recall some requiring good reflexes and/or a bit of circle-jumping, but not anything Smilecythe-hard.

@GenericJoeDoe - bmFbr helped me already, but just to answer you I use a quakespasm/spiked/my own modifications fork. But regardless, jumping has always been the hardest thing for me to do in games :D.

Double posted because of the weird 404 page, sorry.

Hi! Well done guys!

And where in the pack file is the hell knight with a laser sword and a cool skin like in the picture “North Central Positronics (updated) DragonsForLunch”?
And where is the ogre’s head with a full helmet, in the pack file there is a head only in a half mask? So the head was not added in the update. And I did offer a more highly polygonal ogre model to which the skins from the mod are 100% suitable. I have this model in my topic.

I haven’t made a comparison with the first version of the mod yet…

There are some problems with the site and the messages are duplicated.

[quote=Andrew]Hi! Well done guys!

And where in the pack file is the hell knight with a laser sword and a cool skin like in the picture “North Central Positronics (updated) DragonsForLunch”?
And where is the ogre’s head with a full helmet, in the pack file there is a head only in a half mask? So the head was not added in the update. And I did offer a more highly polygonal ogre model to which the skins from the mod are 100% suitable. I have this model in my topic.

I haven’t made a comparison with the first version of the mod yet…[/quote]
Hey, thanks!
About your observations:

  • The Sabre Knight is there as pictured, working perfectly. Didn’t get what you mean.
  • The ogre head gib, yeah, it doesn’t have a mask. But it was upgraded in fact, and we think it looks cool that way.
  • About your hipoly ogre model, we appreciate the effort, but we opted to make overall detail level and visuals more consistent this time around. The fact that model detail varied wildly across different monsters was something rightfully noted by various people in the first release, and we wanted to rectify that. Also we have some very talented dedicated 3D and 2D artists in the team already, who’s corrected various small issues in the models, so we’re well covered in that regard. But again, thanks!

Guys, I do not want to be rude, but once you said that “Alkaline”, is either going to be - or already is - the second best thing after the renown “Arcane Dimensions”. In case of the “Arcane Dimensions”, there is a word out there for it and the opinion, is certainly earned. I mean, the statement brought, is a bold statement, minding it apparently came from developers directly. You must be aware that it sets up certain level of expectations and if these expectations, should anyhow be failed even just a little, the issue, is likely to be perceived in an exaggerated way? Well, but who knows, maybe the “Alkaline”, will come out to be better than the “Arcane Dimensions”!

Your abuse of punctuation infuriates me to no end.

Thank you, it means you must be sensitive, but it also means you read the stuff. I assume you address me, by the way, because I figure out nobody else abuses punctuation to a degree that I do. I hope that I do not make a lot of inconsistency mistakes! In case I do, I do not mind someone correcting it.

People! There is no need to bicker over punctuation marks, because they are put differently in different languages! In Russian, for example, there are several times more of them than in English! And by doing Google translation for speed with the help of a translator, I then delete a lot of punctuation marks. )))

About the hell knight - I just didn’t find it in the files of version 1.1 at all. No model, no skin. Your ogre has the most original model and is not geometrically improved at all.

And criticism is criticism. Either the developers accept it or you just shouldn’t see it and should forbid writing anything in your topic. I accept criticism and try to correct my mistakes and shortcomings. No offense, please.

Why such a review? Because in version 1.1, apart from the improved shambler texture, the old model of a soldier with a new weapon and blood skins, I didn’t see anything new. Both AD and Q2021 have already been released with new improved models, and you are all using the very first low-poly models. People are already used to them. I’ve been asking you to accept these changes for a long time, but you don’t hear me.