Quaddicted Suggestions

Found another article to link to for the articles section:

i really like Icantthinkofanickname’s comments. perhaps he could do ‘reviews’ if the map pages had a ‘review’ section.

Cocerello & MikeTaylor post decent comments as well. maybe they could be included. maybe a review section or something. or a ‘second opinion’ to the editor comments. but, i guess that’s what comments are for, but their comments leem to have more info/insight. i know Tronyn does reviews too.

Wow, thanks for the compliment, dBAudio.

Why do you presume I’m male, though? :slight_smile:

He(She?) had a 99% chance of being right, statistically speaking
And I agree that you post right, your posts are informative, they can make us interested in a map, and if you have time they are even short enough :slight_smile:

Thank you, jackieben (hmm, not so sure about those statistics. Is the Quake SP community really that male-dominated? Hard to say).

Your and dBAudio’s remarks are very flattering. I enjoy reading your and dBAudio’s comments as well, and you occasionally provide very interesting background information (e.g. on Koumei Satou and DAV: https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/wca.html, https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/qktower.html ).

I really like Cocerello’s comments too (and have written as much, although I do not know if Cocerello ever saw my response: https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/kinn_bastion.html ).

As for MikeTaylor, there sometimes seems to be some friendly, light-hearted rivalry going on between us, but I appreciate his comments too (even though we often have almost diametrically opposed views on maps).

dBAudio, in response to your suggestion: although I doubt I can hold a candle to (current and ex-) reviewers such as Tronyn, [Kona], Underworldfan and Shambler, if there is really sufficient interest, I am willing to give it a go. I do not have nearly the same extent of knowledge as these reviewers (or Spirit or negke, who are responsible for the editorial comments, as far as I know), but maybe I could sometimes provide an alternative opinion. Let’s wait and see what other users have to say; in the mean time, I’ll just enjoy the kind words. :slight_smile:

A short one.

How about adding tags such as ‘‘easy’’, ‘‘hard’’, ‘‘impossible’’ … to the list of unacceptable tags? They are evaluative and subjective like the other unaceptable ones, because they are dependant on how each player sees the map and can even change each time the same person plays them, aside from the fact that what is hard for some is easy for others, or impossible or anything else: you don’t get any useful information from those kind of tags. Thats why i compare the maps with ID ones on comments about difficulty, it isn’t a perfect way to do it, but it gives an aproximate idea.

Icantthinkofanickname, I saw them, yes. I haven’t said a thing till now because i don’t think there is anything to say, they are like any other decent comment in my opinion. I just try to stick to the headlines given, nothing else.

About what dbAudio says:
The comments are rather short to be worthy of being highlighted. If that kind of thing would be done, it should be in the form of a proper review, but we have Tronyn already for that.
Honestly, even if i wanted to, i would need at least another year of mapping and some recent very good releases (being very optimistic), for my understanding of maps to be good enough so my reviews would be worthy of being read, and not just one more guy saying something. So i have to decline.

I love the “random map” feature on the front page and the main map page, but it would be nice to have the same clickable option on individual map pages.

Often I get directed to a random map that I have played already or do not particularly feel like playing for whatever reason, and it would be very convenient to be able just to click “random map” again, until I find something I would like to play (otherwise one needs to go back to the main map page or the front page).

Perhaps it would make sense to have a “Random map” option at the top of each page, alongside (what is currently) “Frontpage”, “News”, “Maps”, “Wiki”, “Forum” and “Help”.


I agree (even though I once added a “hard” tag myself – I would not do so now).

[quote=sock] Why is there no login function on the front page?
Why do you have to go to the map page to login? [/quote]
Agreed: it would be nice to have a login option on the front page.

A suggestion Fifthelephant made some weeks ago at Func, that i think it is very interesting, even though it requires lots of time. Copy-pasted:

[quote]It’s kind of a shame we don’t have a system for searching wads like we do for maps on quaddicted. If we could type in “rock” or “tech” or “crate” then it would be awesome.

Or how about some kind of “wad builder” where you basically shop for textures and then download your custom wad. (it could also write a .txt file which you could copy/paste into your readme)

If only I knew how to code! [/quote]

New features are more fun than fixing things. I have some free time now. Any fancy (website) things you guys want?

I am already working on a http://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/ interface to the maps which should be fun to play with: http://i.imgur.com/iAP8gqh.png

How about writing a web page tutorial which explains how to create a simple Quake map step by step for dummies?

There are already plenty such resources on the internet:



In that case I’d like to bump four of my earlier feauture requests:
https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=883#p883 on the frontpage to https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/log.php.
https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1116#p1116, next to Frontpage/News/Maps/etc. (instead of just on the frontpage and the main map page).
https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=84 https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=884#p884 (user defined selections).

Hm, the log and random map are more worthy candidates for users to bookmark in my opinion. I am not sure how useful they would be to random visitors.

User defined selections is a great reminder, I had actually started that once.

Clickable author names on the main map page: Done!

Cllickable author names: special characters still break the filter script, e.g. if a name contains quotation marks.

The map list still has the old menu bar.

I hate having to enable referer to be able to use the forum…

I was not looking for bug reports but I fixed them anyways!

Referrer: http://fluxbb.org/docs/v1.5/troubleshooting#bad-http_referer
Should be easy to enable permanently though, request policy of httpswitchboard?

I just realised you probably mean https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/random_recommendations.php random map page (with the screenshots), which can indeed be bookmarked. I actually meant just the random “button” (which on the frontpage is next to the link to the page with the random screenshots). The random map page seems only to cycle through maps with high editor’s ratings, whereas I personally often like to cycle through random maps from the entire database, including speedmaps and maps of dubious quality, potential hidden gems etc. – and since only the frontpage and main map list have “random” buttons, this involves more back-and-forth clickery than would be necessary if there were a “random” button at the top of each page.

As for the activity log, I can see that non-registered visitors would not find a link to it particularly useful, and maybe it is not frontpage material, but at the moment the only way I know of finding it is by sifting through the forums, where it is mentioned (I think) twice. Of course I usually have it bookmarked, but when I am on a different computer, it seems unnecessarily hard to get to.

Sorry if this comes off as obstinate; I respect your decision but just felt I had not argued my side as well as I could (and that I might have been misunderstood re: the random page/button).


Oh, you can totally bookmark that but you have to add the link manually: https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/random_map.php (rightclick or copy, depending how your browser handles bookmarks). Don’t really want to add that link anywhere else, maybe some day.

https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/random_recommendations.php indeed only shows “good” maps with a rating of 4 or 5.

If I ever add the editor log (changes in reviews, etc) to the log, I will put it on the frontpage. I kinda like things like that as hidden gimmicks for the power-users at the moment. :slight_smile: Did you know about https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/leaderboard.php

No, I did not know about the leaderboards. Now I’ll feel even guiltier about spamming the frontpage feed (I have a massive backlog of comments I have jotted down but not uploaded, partly because I sometimes like to mull things over before potentially posting nonsense, and partly because I feel bad about posting too many comments at once and drowning out other users’ voices. Which of course in turn means that the backlog is perpetually on the increase).

Thanks for the randomiser url, but my browser does not allow me to bookmark it – if I right click/ctrl+click, it just opens a particular randomly selected map page, and if I copy & paste, it does not give me the option of bookmarking until I hit enter, at which point it once again goes to specific map page (which can bookmark, but that’s obviously pointless).

Oh well. A few extra clicks to cycle through random maps won’t kill me. :slight_smile:

Hm, maybe if you rightclick on it?

Don’t throttle yourself, push them away!

Btw, I always wanted this site to be more of a meritocracy, so if you really think those links should be on the frontpage, just add them! As long as no-one goes onto a destructive spree or everything ends up (more) messy (than already), change is good and opportunity. :slight_smile: