Report website bugs here

What’s going on? I can’t post comments.

Sorry, fixed!

Also fixed the image margins and borders.

WTF happened with the forum font? It got ugly. Much prefered the previous one.

To be honest I have no idea what the previous one was. Maybe it was something very different on Windows? On Linux I saw no big difference when I reverted most of my changes to the forum design. It definitely was sans-serif. I’ll set it to the same as the rest of the page which is: “Droid Sans”, “Bitstream Vera Sans”, “tahoma”, sans-serif;

Is it better again?


PS: Does the text on the frontpage still overlap the borders for you?

Spirit, thanks for changing the font. It was very hard to read. A lot better now.

Text on front page no longer overlaps.

The logo has a fugly border in IE10 on every page that is not from the Wiki.

Guest posts get the star if they use the name of a premium user. See
Add the check for registered.


The recent activity log on the frontpage is broken at the moment due to a silly bug. I can’t be arsed to fix the bug so we will just have to wait for 10 updates until the culprit scrolls off. :wink:

Not a “bug” in the strictest sense of the word, but:

A few of the earlier maps have incorrect dates (these are the only ones I’ve checked, as the dates seemed suspect):

  1. Kuro/Sham: listed as released on 22.12.1995, which is impossible. That would be two months before the release of Qtest (which was as far as I know the public’s first ever glance at Quake technology), 7 months before the release of Quake and 10 months before the release of Worldcraft, with which it was created. Crash’s review uses the date “4 jan 1997” (not sure if refers to the review date or the release date, though), which seems like a more likely release date.

  2. lmed1: listed as released in 06.05.1996 (6 May 1996, a month before the release of Quake) yet was made using Worldcraft, which only came out 3 months later. The readme is dated 9/5/96. If it uses the American convention, that would mean 5 September 1996, which – though still surprisingly early – seems like a more likely release date.

  3. r-evil2: listed as released on 10.06.1996 (10 June 1996), yet made using Worldcraft, which only came out in September 1996. Readme is dated 10/6/98. Once again, assuming the American format is used, that would mean 6 October 1998, which seems more likely.

Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this.

Man, fuck the US date system…

This is some great detective work, thank you so very much!

The timestamps on the site came from the timestamps of the files inside the zip files. I wonder if that format uses no proper format universal timestamp?

  1. kuro: shows the txt from 1995, the zip as 1996. For sham it always shows 1996. kuro and sham are indeed the same apart from the filenames (and the filenames mentioned in the readme files). Both files exist in idgames2 though so I will keep them both.

  2. Fixed, thanks!

  3. it has a timestamp from July 1998 so I went for 10.06.1998.

Great help!

Fuck the German system, too! it to a universal format would benefit everyone. Please don’t put it off just because it means a little bit of work.

Don’t make me switch to Unix timestamps!

You want the month name written, right?

At your service. :slight_smile: Thanks for the additional info.

Another map with the wrong date:

“Potpourri” by Darren Stabler ( was created on 28 July 1996, according to the timestamp of the .bsp file. The date on the map page is off by one year.

Also: the description “Small, ugly, boxed first map” is incorrect, as this is his second map (see the date above vs. the release date of “Basic Castle”, and the readme: “Well this being my sophmore [sic] effort in building a quake level …”. Sophomore = second)

Hi Spirit, I noticed you have Underworldfan’s reviews archived in but links in the map database don’t use the mirror yet.

Could you do a find/replace of:


example map with an underworldfan review:


Also, find/replace to

(for example, has a link to the URL)

Icantthinkofanickname: Thanks again, fixed!

ericw: Huh, I thought I did that already. Will do! The links on my mirror already point to Quaddicted. :slight_smile:

edit: Done, thanks!

Another date-related oddity (I’ll keep posting them in this thread even though I realise they’re not really “bugs”):

Marcus Dromowicz’s must be a late 1996 release (most likely October, November or December 1996), despite the 1997 timestamps of MEXX.BSP and MEXX.TXT.


  1. MEXX1.BSP and MEXX2.BSP are Marcus Dromowicz’s first maps, predating (whereas the current date on Quaddicted suggests that mexx was released after mexx3, mexx4, mexx5, mexx6, mexx7, mexx8 and mexx9).

  2. Despite having a 1997 timestamp, the readme is dated “11/5/96”. I am guessing this means 5 November and not 11 May, going by MEXX2.BSP’s timestamp (21.10.1996) and the date crash uses (see reason 3 below).

  3.’s review uses the date “22 dec 1996”.