Report website bugs here

In some of Tronyn’s reviews, the images do not display at all. I have tested it in both Firefox and Opera, with the same results. I have not checked the other wiki entries, but the following reviews have this issue (the rest are fine):

Also: over the past couple of days, I have often noticed the site’s slowing down to a crawl, and every so often the feeds on the front page stop working. Not sure whether this is indicative of anything, but I thought I’d mention it just in case.

No one got around adding those images back in, they are available in

I noticed that slowdown myself earlier. Not sure what causes it.

details.php needs a check when commenting. Right now one can comment as a guest, using a registered user’s nick and then his/her rating will be shown. The script should forbid guests to use registered users’ nick names.

Should the screenshots on the front page not be of the latest four releases? They’re been static for a while and currently there seems to be no rhyme or reason to which shots are displayed.

I guess I can understand why old releases that have only recently been added and speedmaps are not displayed as prominently as brand-new full releases (although the latest sm_packs have screenshots, so they could also be plugged alongside full releases) – but even in that case, the four shots should currently be of metmon1d, mfxsp5, alb1v1a and digs07_v2. Or if alb1v1a is counted as an old map, then it should be metmon1d, mfxsp5, digs07_v2 and sksp2b. If speedmaps qualify, it should be metmon1d, sm174_pack, mfxsp5 and alb1v1a/digs07_v2.

As it is, we’ve got metmon1d, digs07_v2, sksp2b and zendar1d.

EDIT: I’ve changed it to metmon1d, sm174_pack, mfxsp5 and alb1v1a. My apologies in advance if this was against unwritten policy!

The unwritten policy is that the frontpage shows screenshots of the lastest four releases [that are worth showing]. This excludes crap like speedmaps and old stuff. mfxsp5 simply slipped our minds.

If it was for me, the four shots would be randomly selected from the whole DB on each visit, but it’s either more difficult to implement than it seems, or Spirit doesn’t like it for one reason or another.

That would require writing a plugin for Dokuwiki or helping migrate to Wordpress I guess. I would not want them to be random at each visit anyways, weekly rotation would be nice though.

Like negke said, those spots are not meant to show all the latest additions but those with screenshots that “bait” people into clicking. Kind of a showcase.

There is something desperately wrong with rating in /reviews/ index page - users’ rating not match rating in map review page.
For example see , ATM it have 5/5 rating with total of 6 votes. On /reviews/ is have “4.5 (6)”.

It’s the way it is meant to be, it is kinda of misleading though:

Then why single map profile pages show simple average? This is pretty confusing.

Pick one: Laziness, Incompetence, Forgetfulness :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooh, this is some pretty visualisation! I’ll add something like that some day.,s,FFFFF3&chbh=9,1,1&chs=50x16&cht=bvs&chco=b8b888&chds=0,191&chd=t:71,4,10,15,191&chm=R,FFFFF3,0,-0.1,0.05,1|@o,FF0000,0,0.772508591065292:0.1,4

Dear person who is mirroring /files/ , restrict yourself to one connection at a time or at least per file and I will give you full bandwidth again. The server is fragile at the moment and you are not helping. Generally see

We can work out a better way. Maybe I can rsync to you?

It’s not your fault that I have to restrict you, sorry about that. But if you run something aggressive like that and the server becomes unresponsive every now and then, why not contact the admin? :stuck_out_tongue: I totally want you to mirror everything but not like this right now.

Vote is broken.
Main page sometimes shows nothing:

Whoops, ran out of space. Thanksfully the forums still allowed posting. Thanks!

On main page:

The latest singleplayer maps
An error occurred while fetching this feed: http://quaddicted/reviews/atom-for-frontpage.php

Yeah, some XML problem, can’t be arsed at the moment, sorry :slight_smile: 5 new releases and it will just resolve itself.

An error occurred while reporting this bug: http://the/recentactivity/feed/is-doing-it-again-too/so/now-we-have-two-broken-feeds/onthe/frontpage.php

Edit: I know it’ll resolve itself soon enough. I just felt like making a really corny joke.

Feeds should be fixed. I was using htmlentities() which encoded things in XML-incompatible ways. Adding the ENT_XML1 flag fixes that. Thanks to the ö in Zerstörer and Icantthinkofanickname’s weird double quote “ for exploiting that bug. :slight_smile:

Not really a bug, a suggestion.

“Play a random map!” link also would be neat if it appears on the map’s home/ start pages.

I tried uploading some demo’s from the abandon pak, but for some reason the upload section fails.
I packed them as 7z files, and as they’re only 5Mb, I don’t see why I overreached the 50Mb limit.

I can pack them as zip, but that would be rare, as it 7z is the most quake friendly packer.