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The link to Drake from is broken.
Link being:

Hi etb, click the link in the map description (where it says “Note: This map requires the Drake mod.”). There is (currently, at least) no map page for drake, which is why the “Dependencies” link goes nowhere.

That’s good the link in the description is working, but the Dependencies one is still broken. Can it be edited so it points to the same url than the one in the description?

And incidentally, is the source of Drake available somewhere?

I need help please.
Waterfox do not load the site with message: Secure Connection Failed.

Works for me without any problems. If you are on Windows XP, then I cannot help you (but help you god if you keep that insecure machine connected to the internet). Have you tried with a clean browser profile?

Sunbmissions from Outlook about posts on Quaddickted seem to go faint.

//topic ‘Falcons in order Devonta Freeman Atlanta Falcons Jersey’ //
//The topic is located at

Not sure what it is, probally just spam.

What is up with the Recent Activity and Latest Singleplayer Maps feeds on the front page? They’ve been chronologically jumbled for what feels like months now (I guess I should have said something earlier, but I initially thought it was just some temporary weirdness that would resolve itself, like how the feeds sometimes disappear altogether and then come back).

E.g. at the moment, the Latest Singleplayer Maps displays for me as
Ter Shibboleth by KenChennar alias Orl
The Contract by Serge Jaeken
Wenl Mine by megaman
Egyptgington by negke
Ter Shibboleth by KenChennar alias Orl[/quote]

Yes, Ter Shibboleth is on there twice! In reality, the list should be Qump, tofaz, endofsolace, sleepgate and ad_paradise, in that order, going by the chronology of So it’s completely wrong, and very weirdly so.

And I just left notes on Ter Shibboleth and The Forgotten Sepulcher about the new QS release, and in the Recent Activity feed, my comments appeared in between other, much older comments. Huh?
A user rated gmsp3tw a 5/5 1364 minutes ago.
A user rated bbelief a 5/5 1366 minutes ago.
A user rated contract a 5/5 2004 minutes ago.
A user rated zer a 5/5 2005 minutes ago.
A user rated ad_sepulcher a 3/5 1361 minutes ago.
A user rated oblivion a 4/5 1357 minutes ago.
A user commented on ter_shibboleth: The regular release (…) 6 minutes ago.
A user commented on arcextra: Jesus, why do so man(…) 1069 minutes ago.
A user commented on q1shw1sp: Well, this is a very(…) 1185 minutes ago.
A user commented on ad_sepulcher: The regular release (…) 5 minutes ago.[/quote]

This is in Firefox on Linux, by the way.

Oh lol, thanks for the nudge! I noticed a lag long ago but didn’t think much of it. Looks like Dokuwiki is expecting more sane feeds now which means I have to update them to have proper timestamps. I will look into it soon™. Thanks!

Might be fixed after caching expires. If not, please bump this thread.


Using Waterfox I’m unable to visit Quaddicted, I get a “Secure Connection Failed” error. It does work when I change my useragent to “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0” (A Firefox useragent) though.

Thanks for your report! Unfortunately there is nothing I can do. Waterfox on Linux works fine so I cannot reproduce it. There is nothing in the webserver configs that could deliberately cause this.

Some issues to check and maybe contribute to:

If you can, at least provide more details (the browser should have some more detailed error message I hope). Try disabling a potentially running anti-virus suite.

I get the Waterfox fault too. I actually thought your site had gone. I suspect anybody using the latest version of Waterfox can not view your site.

The fault is caused by the server (Quaddicted) rejecting latest Waterfox useragent.

I use an Add-on called This is available for Waterfox or Firefox. Once installed, change your User Agent (in tools) to something like Windows > Chome 45 and Quaddicted is viewable. This makes the server think you are using a different browser.

I hope this helps.

On it: :slight_smile:

Should be fixed.

Confirmed fixed on Windows 7 - Waterfox (64-bit) (latest)

Well done :slight_smile: