Welcome to the new Quaddicted forum 👋

Now i can edit my old post, it is good news! And, how about pictures? They will be displayed again (somehow) or I should fix i t manually?

Thank You, Spirit for Your work!

I confused a little bit, why there is no link here to main site “quaddicted.com”.
Or quaddicted.com becomes now discuss.quaddicted.com definitely?

Thanks, I forgot. Added a header now.

Pictures should work, do you have specific posts where there are issues?

Both my threads


does not show any pics, just links on it.

Ah poop, those weren’t converted properly by the migration tool. Sorry :frowning:

Do they appear if you edit your post once and save?

I cannot add demos either.

Yes, it works:

Now I should fix all of the post step by step. Wooh!

Where exactly? Demo uploading to map review pages was removed some weeks ago, after having been announced months before. https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1325

It will be back, some day and different.

Yea, I read the announcement. The feature remained a decent time afterwards that I thought the cancelling had been cancelled. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Wow, Spirit! I impressed of some good-new features while posting. External links now has a little preview, its great! And (finally) users can post images direct from theirs PC - woohooo!
By the other hand changing the way to rate/discuss a maps is, hmm, so unusual, that some time is needed to get used to.


Yeah it is definitely not ideal. I hope someone will write something that works right on the map pages.

I have now “muted” the files category so that it’s cryptic titles do not appear in the latest posts list anymore.

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The new forum looks great. But I’m worried about how the new rating system works now.
I had a dream to play every map on the site. And the old ratings were handy to find new maps for that.
You rated 661/1802 releases, 1141 to go.
Is there any chance this counter will work in the future?

Yes, that feature is absolutely crucial and will be back for sure!


In terms of suggestions, I think the non-cryptic Recent Activity ought to be fixed sooner than later. It’s nice to check the front page of quaddicted and clearly see what people are playing, rating, and commenting about on the releases, and was always something to look forward to when visiting quaddicted.

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To be honest, after the forum was moved here, it began to die. Now I’m generally bored on the forum. There is almost no activity on the forum. Bring the forum back to the old site.

Definitely! The frontpage is quite useless at the moment. Unfortunately I have had zero time to work on the site in the past few weeks. Maybe there will be some progress during the holidays.
If someone wants to help build an interim frontpage (using Flask) please shout.
My priority is to re-enable DB additions first and to actually publish the new DB interface.

Dude, please be more nice. I doubt that the forum software is to blame. It much rather is an issue of halted updates to the DB and that is something the new forum actually makes easier in the future.

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https://www.quaddicted.com/ has a feed for recent activity again that shows the latest comments on releases.

Changes to ratings are not included because nowadays one cannot post a rating without a comment anymore and thus, showing what new rating was added would implicitly leak the author of that rating (latest rating = latest comment). I am not sure how we should handle that in the future. It would be easier if ratings could be all public.


Hi, long time lurker, first time registering. I appreciate all the work that must go into maintaining this site, not to mention those creating the maps. Thankyou to Spirit and all the mappers.

However, I think that there needs to be some “back to basics” here. The map page has not had any new maps added since Sep 2023; one of the primary functions of the site (at least for me) was to download maps. I think some priority on getting new maps available for download on the maps page would help reinvigorate the user base and start generating some forum activity again.


That would be great! I have very little time so help is highly appreciated.

The new DB uses https://github.com/Quaddicted/quaddicted-data as a base, so if you add new files there (via pull requests), the DB will grab them. The new DB interface is not really public yet, the JSON format will probably need improvement and the tags definitely will, but this might be a good first step so hey let’s go!

I just hacked together a quick and dirty tool to generate the base metadata for files: https://www.quaddicted.com/files/misc/generate_jsons.exe_20240105.zip

Just run that in a directory of zip releases and it will generate the JSON files in a subdirectory called json in the correct structure. Then add tags like title, author(s), release data, etc, just look at random files in the repo to see how they are currently structured.

The URLs of the files can be anywhere, as long as they are direct downloads.

Hi, finally got around to getting into my account on the new forum. :wave:

I downloaded your exe and it seems like it doesn’t run at all on Windows 10, even as administrator? I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong so some support there would be appreciated.

When you say

The new DB interface is not really public yet

Am I to understand that the general process of creating a JSON file and submitting it via GitHub pull request won’t be changed much? Because it seems like it’s generally a process that could be much more user-friendly and streamlined, especially if you’re still requiring every submission to be from the author themself. I suspect most won’t even have a github account, and many wouldn’t want one if they could avoid it.

Really any sort of frontend that doesn’t require downloading an external program or making an account on another site would be better. Apart from a proper author list, it should be possible to get most of this information from Slipseer, and a proper author list is a feature planned for Slipseer anyway. So with that in mind, do you think you’d be opposed to a feature over there that lets users send a pull request with the JSON file created and filled in with tags automatically at the click of a button? Obviously it’d be done with consent of the uploader, which is the main concern of automating this.

Welp, that’s embarrassing for me and I don’t even want to say what went wrong. https://www.quaddicted.com/files/misc/generate_jsons_20240106.zip should hopefully work. :smiley:

Absolutely not. Any idea why you might think so and if others have the same misconception? It would be great to remedy that. The whole point of the restructuring is to make contributing easy for everyone and to take myself as much out of the process as possible. This current stage is just heavily work-in-progress. I thought that was clear, sorry :frowning:

It is definitely possible to build a simple JS webpage where people can drop files onto to do the same file scanning that my WIP tool does. For a start it would be enough to just have a form for basic tags and generate the SHA256 checksum. If someone would build that, I’d love to integrate it.
Same for submitting the JSON files to the repository. There could be a page where such documents can be uploaded with a “technical user” to make a pull request on their behalf. Again, help would be highly appreciated!
See https://unrealarchive.org/submit/ for inspiration, they have a somewhat similar design for their DB.
I would like to build a GUI tool for the process myself at some point.

There won’t be any consent needed from anyone. The database indexes publicly (or formerly publicly) available files. Any Quake related file may be described with metadata. Download URLs can point anywhere.
As far as I know the main reason why people are upset with the “old” DB are that it was not possible to change an entry if a new file version was released and that URLs used filenames as identifiers so updates were always completely separate entries.
The new structure has some support for saying which “release group” a release belongs to so people will be able to share a link to the group instead of a specific file instead. Here is the commit where I added such tags for Quoth: https://github.com/Quaddicted/quaddicted-data/commit/d5160181868beed310ce82c98ed7e8043255aaa9 (it’s not perfect but should work). As with other things, frontend support for this is WIP and if people help on other TODOs it makes it much easier for me to focus.

Quoting from the releases thread: